
The congregations of Christ greet you (Romans 16:16)

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Author: Ron Graham

Simplybible Finder

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   Bible Kings and Prophets Chart  —A chart listing side by side the kings of Israel, kings of Judah, and the prophets.

   We Beheld His Glory SERIES  —List of studies that portray Christ using John chapter one as a basis and GLORY as an acrostic.

   Book of Revelation SERIES  —This index covers the outlines, overviews, introductory and core lessons on the Book of Revelation. The list includes lessons on the messages to the seven churches and the visions of Christ.

   Jesus SERIES  —List of sermons or class lessons. Each lesson has Jesus Christ as its focal point.

   I Love God and My Country  —I love God and my country, I will honour the flag, I will serve the King and cheerfully obey my parents, teachers and the law.

   Predestination (Wonderful Words)  —Two issues in predestination: first God’s sovereign will and counsel; second man’s freedom of choice.

   Irresistable Grace  —Can anyone resist the grace of God? This Bible study answers that question as it relates to human nature and God’s will.

   Sweet Will of God  —God has willed that all obey his decrees, that all repent of sin, that Christ die for all.

   Joshua Zechariah Zerubbabel  —The prophet Zechariah, the highpriest Joshua, and the governer Zerubbabel, were involved in a symbolic ceremony, the meaning of which flatly contradicts premillennialism.

   So You Are a King?  —Pilate asked Jesus, “So you are a king, are you?” Pilate’s question and Jesus’s answer, show us three lacks: Pilate’s lack of faith, the accusers’ lack of truth, and the disciples’ lack of violence.

   Throne, Scepter, and Anointing  —A lesson on Hebrews 1:8-9 about the throne, scepter, and anointing of our Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God.

   Kingdom Without End  —Jesus Christ is coming again one day, at the end of the world. He will gather up his spiritual Israel, from among the living and the dead, to take its every citizen into heaven forever.

   The King in His Beauty  —This one small verse is rich with hope and encouragement, not only for Jerusalem in its dark days, but also for us in these Last Days. One day, the righteous will be given new eyes to behold the Heavenly King, in the new Jerusalem, in that faraway land, where the righteous will dwell forever.

   Caesar and Christ  —If the government of our nation can ever be likened to the Roman superpower and its Caesars, then God help us all.

   Christ, Master of All Rulers  —“In Christ dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily” (Colossians 2:9). As we think about the fullness of Christ’s divinity, we must infer his absolute sovereignty. Thus Paul, in the next sentence, says that Christ “is the head of all principality and power.” (Colossians 2:10). All rulers of all three realms are subject to Christ.

   Christ, King Now Reigning  —We look at the evidence in Paul’s letter to the Colossians that the kingdom of God now exists and there will not be a future kingdom on earth for 1000 years. Includes “Substance or Shadows?”

   The Early Words of Jesus  —This lesson puts together some early sayings of Jesus mostly at the beginning of his ministry. We notice that each of these sayings tells us something important and interesting about our Lord Jesus as he takes up the task of being the first to preach the gospel of salvation in his kingdom at hand(Hebrews 2:3).

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Copyright © Ron Graham 2009,2025

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