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➤ Faith Hope Love SERIES —This series is about Faith, Hope, and Love, three principles that disciples of Christ live by. The theme is taken from 1Corinthians 13:13.
➤ Three Marvelous Mountains —We consider the marvelous events that took place on Mount Ararat, Mount Sinai, and Mount Zion. We especially consider three things in each event: salvation, a sacrifice, and a promise.
➤ One Two Three —One giant problem, only two can solve it, and three immediate steps to take.
➤ The Three Glories —This lesson looks at Glory from three viewpoints: (1) The glory God gives to his Son Jesus Christ; (2) The glory God gives to us; and (3) The glory we give to God.
➤ Three Deaths of the Soul —When we speak of death we are usually thinking of the death of the physical body. However, there are also three spiritual deaths.
➤ Three Time Spans —Lesson on symbolic periods in prophecy, especially the three time spans within the Christian age.
➤ Three and a Half —Another lesson about symbolic periods in prophecy, especially the three-and-a-half symbol.
➤ A Time Times and Half a Time —This lesson is about symbolic periods in prophecy, especially the time, times, and half a time symbol as it relates to our tribulations.
➤ The Three Beasts —About the Dragon, the Beast, the False prophet —the three Beasts in Revelation 12-13.
➤ Three Angelic Messengers (Revelation 14:6-13) —An Exposition of Revelation 14:6-13. Three angels fly through the sky calling out their messages. One brings the gospel and a call to worship God. The second brings an announcement of the fall of Babylon. The third warns of the wrath of God upon all who worship the Beast and have his mark upon them.
➤ Saved in Three Tenses (3 Times of Salvation) —There are, so to speak, three tenses of salvation: we have been saved, we are being saved, and we shall be saved.
➤ Three Times —Three spans of time that each of us is involved in. The first span is small, the second large, the third infinite.
➤ Three Appearings of Jesus —The present, past, and future appearings of Christ and their purpose.
➤ Three Things God’s Servant Does —If you serve the Lord, I hope this Bible lesson will help your ministry to be true and fruitful.
➤ God’s Three Oaths —The Hebrew writer offers the hope of heaven to all who listen to God. He bases this hope on three oaths that God made. What better basis for hope could there be?
➤ Three Things To Remember About God —This lesson shows us more things that we should always remember, according to the theme, “You shall remember the LORD your God” (Deuteronomy 8:18).
➤ Three Marriages —Jesus is not just one of many good teachers, or just one of many great Lights. He is the one Lord and the only sacrifice that can take away sins. No one else will do.
➤ The Three Words of Isaiah —Isaiah speaks three times in response to the things he sees and hears in his vision of God. His words express the innermost and deepest feelings of every dedicated child of God.
➤ The Three Firsts of Jesus —A simple but very profound and essential lesson from Colossians 1:18 about the three firsts of Jesus.
➤ Peter’s Three Swords —This is not a lesson from Peter’s writings, however it is an old sermon outline which I felt would make a good finish to the two series of lessons covering Peter’s first and second epistles.
➤ Three Kinds of Sinners —A Bible lesson that differentiates sinners into three types. Which kind are you?
➤ Three Principles of a Saving Faith —Lesson on Romans 1:16-17 about the source, Privilege, and obedience of faith.
➤ Three New Things —A sermon for the New Year 2011 and a new decade. New years and new decades come and go, but Jesus Christ has provided three new things that will last forever - a new covenant, new life, and a new world.
➤ Numerology in the Bible —A discussion and explanation of spurious magical number systems related to Biblical interpretation. Includes discussion of the number of fish (153) in John 21:11.
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