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➤ Premillennialism SERIES —These lessons address the ideas and suppositions of the popular premillennial doctrines about the second coming and the kingdom of God.
➤ The King on David’s Throne —About God’s promise to David, “I will raise up your descendant after you... and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever. Your house and your kingdom... and your throne shall be established forever” (2Samuel 7:12 13,16)
➤ Two Spiritual Kingdoms —about two kingdoms. They are spiritual kingdoms. This does not mean they are imaginary.
➤ The Throne and the Abyss —The story of Satan’s opposition to Christ is portrayed in the visions of Revelation. Satan is cast out of Heaven to earth; thwarted in his battle plans; locked in the Abyss; thwarted in his battle plans again; cast into the lake of fire. What a demise for this fool Satan!
➤ The Two Witnesses Prophesy (Revelation 11:1-6) —(Revelation 11:1-6) They signify the oaths God himself swore that Christ would have two anointings... king and high priest.
➤ The Eternal Kingdom (Revelation 11:14-19) —(Revelation 11:14-19) A vision of the saints entering the eternal kingdom on the great day of God’s judgment and wrath.
➤ The Anti-Christian Kingdom —In the Bible, the church is not a place to be entertained. The church is “the pillar and ground of the truth.” We should look to God’s church to hear and receive God’s truth, not psychological hype or human idealism.
➤ The Binding of Satan 1000 Years —(Revelation 20:1-10) A vision that covers a broad sweep of time on earth —the time between the ascension and second coming of Christ. The focus is on the binding of Satan during the reign of Christ. The climax is the demise of Satan who gets out of the frying pan into the fire.
➤ The Throne and the Books —Some preach only love, grace, hope, comfort, peace, and suchlike. They preach only what is positive to make people feel good. But we must also reprove and rebuke. We must do so in patience and truth, yet we must do so nevertheless (2Timothy 4:2).
➤ The Inscription on the Cross —There is more in Pilate’s inscription on the cross of Christ than meets the eye. It seems even Pilate intended more to be read into it than he actually wrote.
➤ So You Are a King? —Pilate asked Jesus, “So you are a king, are you?” Pilate’s question and Jesus’s answer, show us three lacks: Pilate’s lack of faith, the accusers’ lack of truth, and the disciples’ lack of violence.
➤ Throne, Scepter, and Anointing —A lesson on Hebrews 1:8-9 about the throne, scepter, and anointing of our Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God.
➤ A King Over Israel —Tension between the will of God and the will of man. God would rather that he alone be Israel's king, but they wanted a human king so God yielded (1Samuel 8-15).
➤ David’s Throne —God’s wonderful, unfolding plan being foreshadowed as David sits on his throne in Jerusalem. He represents the Christ who will be raised up to reign from heaven.
➤ The Glory of Solomon —The kingdom of Israel, in its earthly form, reaches its peak of glory. Solomon takes the throne of David. He builds the temple in Jerusalem. The kingdom is united, and very extensive reaching “from Dan to Beersheba.”
➤ The Kingdom Divided —Ten tribes rebelled against Solomon, and a second kingdom was formed with Solomon’s servant Jeroboam as king. This kingdom was apostate.
➤ The Day of Pentecost (Acts 2) —The promises of old come to pass in the resurrection and ascension of Christ and his outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost signifying that he is now Lord and Christ on David’s throne in heaven (Acts 2:31-36).
➤ The Blessings of David (House & Throne) —A lesson from Isaiah about the sure mercies and blessings of David and their meaning for Christians. This lesson: the house and throne of David.
➤ The Throne of David —About the mistaken premillennial view of the kingdom of God and David's throne.
➤ No Earthly Throne —Is Jesus going to be demoted from his heavenly throne to a throne here on earth? It cannot happen. There are three prophetic statements which Christ would break if he were to reign on David’s throne in earthly Jerusalem.
➤ Christ, Master of All Rulers —“In Christ dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily” (Colossians 2:9). As we think about the fullness of Christ’s divinity, we must infer his absolute sovereignty. Thus Paul, in the next sentence, says that Christ “is the head of all principality and power.” (Colossians 2:10). All rulers of all three realms are subject to Christ.
➤ Christ, King Now Reigning —We look at the evidence in Paul’s letter to the Colossians that the kingdom of God now exists and there will not be a future kingdom on earth for 1000 years. Includes “Substance or Shadows?”
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