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➤ The Zacchaeus Principle —A lesson from Luke 19:1-10, observing the manner in which Zacchaeus repented.
➤ The Two Witnesses Prophesy (Revelation 11:1-6) —(Revelation 11:1-6) They signify the oaths God himself swore that Christ would have two anointings... king and high priest.
➤ The Heavenly Eden —(Revelation 22:1-2) At the end of the Bible there is a counterpart to the Garden of Eden at the beginning of the Bible. This new Eden is the final vision that John saw.
➤ If We Sin Wilfully —We are going to examine seven portions of scripture that show we Christians, although certainly secure, nurtured, and protected, will not remain so unless we respond to God’s grace and diligently fulfill his conditions according to his purpose for us. Otherwise we will be branches cut off.
➤ Sowing and Growing (Parables) —about the parables of the Vine and the Branches, the Barren Figtree, the Sower and the Seed.
➤ Stori long saed blong wan wud Nambangga —Bigfala wud Nambangga (Banian Tri) haf blong hem i faldaon finis. Afta, ol man blong vilej oli no save mekem wosip long spirit blong hem. Jisas Kraes, hem i tru God, mo hem i stamba blong laef we i no save finis (1Jon 5:20)
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