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➤ We Who Are Strong —encourages us to grow out of weakness into strength. We look at the nine instances of asthenees (in various forms) in Romans, grouped under three headings.
➤ Strengthened by Superior Attitudes —Continuing Paul's theme, 'We worship God in the Spirit, and glory in Christ Jesus, and put no confidence in the flesh' (Philippians 3:3). we consider what attitudes strengthen the spiritually minded.
➤ Pressing On to Perfection —On four occasions in the course of his letter, the writer to the Hebrews interrupts his teaching about Christ to exhort his hearers about their lack of diligence and their potential to backslide.
➤ His Grace is Our Strength —A continuation of the previous lesson. In keeping Christ’s commandments faithfully, we will realize the benediction, “Grace be with you all, Amen.”
➤ Acts 7:20-41 —A verse by verse study of Acts 7:20-41. These verses describe Stephen’s narrative of Israel’s history during the time of Moses.
➤ The Anchor of Weakness —The second of five lessons on the theme “Anchors in the Storm”. In this lesson, we consider the paradox of our weakness as an anchor when we are buffeted by storms of tribulation.
➤ Be Strong and Courageous —A lesson from Joshua 1:5-7 and the three threads that we find there.
➤ Stanap Strong Jemes 1:1-8 —Lesen ya i kamaot long tok long Baebol long Jemes japta 1. Jemes i talem yumi se yumi mas stanap strong long taem we trabol i kam long laef blong yumi. Nao God i givim bigwan waes mo bilif long yumi.
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