—Processed: “More On Jesus ”
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➤ Buried With Christ —Can the enslaved sinner have faith so as to make the transition into the saved state? If so, what act marks the critical point where faith so liberates?
➤ The G in GLORY Jesus is God —The POWER of Jesus as the GOD who created all things and for whom all things exist.
➤ The Church Jesus Bought —What is the most precious material and physical thing that has ever been in this world?
➤ The Vision of Christ —An Exposition of John’s first vision (Revelation 1) which is, appropriately, a vision of the glorified Christ.
➤ Christ Speaks to John —Continuing the exposition of the Vision of Christ in Revelation One.
➤ The Last Words of Jesus —(Revelation 22:6-21) We complete our studies in the book of Revelation by looking at the final words of Jesus recorded in the Bible.
➤ He Is Risen! —It is good news for every day that Christ died for our sins, was buried, and arose on the third day according to the scriptures. Page includes a list of the recorded appearances of the risen Christ.
➤ Three Appearings of Jesus —The present, past, and future appearings of Christ and their purpose.
➤ Did Jesus Preach the Law of Moses? —Did Jesus preach the gospel or were his teachings an exposition of the Mosaic Law? Get this wrong and you won’t understand the Bible.
➤ God’s Son is Born —Over the centuries the prophets spoke of the coming Christ, and the fulfillment of prophecy unfolded. When “the fullness of time” came (Galatians 4:4), the promised Saviour entered into the world. He is the Son of God who took upon himself our human nature and became one of us.
➤ A Virgin Shall Conceive —We compare Isaiah 7:14 with Matthew 1:23 and consider the words of Isaiah as quoted by Matthew, “Behold, the virgin shall be with child and shall bear a Son, and they shall call his name Immanuel”.
➤ Disciples of Christ —Looks at some of the characteristics of those who are truly disciples of Jesus.
➤ Believing in Jesus —the most important thing any of us will ever do. If we reject or even neglect Jesus and his message, we have done the worst thing possible.
➤ Confessing Jesus —Jesus Christ doesn’t have any secret admirers, because people who pretend not to believe in him are one with those who deny him.
➤ Christ In Us —1Thessalonians 1:1-10) We begin our study in 1Thessalonians with the salutation or greeting, then a section concerning Christ in us.
➤ Put All Your Trust in Jesus —There is one sure way to be happy, and that's to believe in Jesus —to the extent that you put all your trust and faith in him.
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