This page records some of the tweets on our previous twitter account. They will be used again on our new Twitter in 2023 (God willing). Click or touch the ❖ to go to a related article or index on website.
❖ Glory is inherited not merited. You will enter glory because of what Jesus did for you. What you do for him is your duty. (Luke 17:1-10)*
❖ God’s love is a righteous love, and God’s anger is a righteous anger. There is no more evil in God's wrath than there is in his love. (Romans 5:8-9)*.
❖ Two confessions required in the gospel: confessing Christ and confessing sin. We must be honest to God about both our faith and our faults. (1John 1:9, 4:15).
❖ Science and theology differ. It's ok if scientists decide Pluto isn't a planet. It's not ok if theologians decide Jesus isn't the Christ. (Colossians 1:16-17).
❖ In a church service the audience is God listening to our hearts (Ephesians 5:19).
❖ You don't know when the world's last day will be, but I can tell you from the Bible seven things that will happen (John 14:2-3).
❖ 'Tis hard work making a weedy field into a garden; and hard work keeping a garden from becoming a weedy field (1Corinthians 3:5-9)*
❖ Jesus, first cause of all creation, and first born from the dead, deserves first place in our hearts (Colossians 1:13-20).
❖ When we come before the Lord, and can only weep: the Holy Spirit prays for us, as sweet incense from a golden bowl (Romans 8:26-27, Revelation 5:8).
❖ Fish don't believe they evolved into the creatures that eat them, because fish don't like to feel stupid. (Genesis 1:20-21).
❖ There's an advantage in having Jesus as the head of the church: nobody elected him except his Father who makes perfect choices. (Colossians 1:18-20).
❖ Science glories in its discoveries and rightly so. But science discovers only what is there. Science should acknowledge the Originator (Colossians 1:16-17).
❖ If the gospel of Jesus seems wrong to you, you are seeing it through your own eyes instead of his (Deuteronomy 12:8).
❖ A bird sits on a lamp post though the lamp is broken. Do you sit in a church where the light of truth no longer shines? (2Corinthians 4:4).
❖ A child’s faith in Jesus is something pure and precious. Nurture it. (cf Mtt18:6-7).
❖ The best time to repent is before you're even tempted . The best way to repent is deliberate avoidance. (cf James 1:13-15, James 4:7-8).
❖ The mindless speak roughly; the clever speak smoothly; the wise speak righteously (Psalm 19:14).
❖ Refusing to quarrel shows not weakness but strength. Win a quarrel, lose the plot. (James 4:1)
❖ If God were a window, most people would cover it with blockout blinds. (2Peter 1:19).
❖ You cannot know God's love without keeping his word (1John 2:5).
❖ Our faith in Jesus is deeply personal. We not only believe in him, but we also love him. (1Peter 1:8).
❖ Jesus says, “Believe in me”. Satan says, “Believe in yourself”. (John 3:16).
❖ Some people search the Bible to find fault, whilst others read the Bible to find God. The latter are very much more rewarded. (Isaiah 55:6-9).
❖ A preacher should set out to preach the gospel and happen to entertain; not set out to entertain and happen to preach the gospel. (2Timothy 4:1-5).
❖ We are saved by no one thing “alone” but by several gifts of God, none of which we should reject (Ephesians 1:3).
❖ Satan can snatch your money, family, and health from you; but he can't snatch you from your Saviour (John 10:27-30).
❖ The tree of life put down its roots deep into the death of Christ.
❖ The age of the universe is not the burning question, but rather who holds it together (Colossians 1:15-17).
❖ If every sinner can have access to God, grace is amazing; but not if only a few can. #TULIP.
❖ The book of Revelation presents the same gospel as the rest of the New Testament, but in a different manner. /dtwitter.htm
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