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Author: Ron Graham

Anchor of Hope

We Can Endure
—How to survive trouble

In this lesson we shall see how to survive trouble. We will notice seven methods by which we can endure trials and tribulations. In each of these methods we draw on the help that God provides.

"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble" (Psalms 46:1).

"Let us draw near with confidence to the throne of Grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need" (Hebrews 4:16).

1 Accept the Forgiveness of Sins

In times of trouble, we are beset by many negative feelings, fear, disappointment, bewilderment, grief, a sense of failure, rejection and guilt. Guilt is one of the worst. We cannot cope with our troubles when burdened with guilt.

Jesus provides us with blessed relief from guilt. No matter how terrible our sins have been, Jesus is able to carry them all away.

It is vital that we rid ourselves of guilt by seeking God's forgiveness and accepting it so that we may also forgive ourselves.

2 Read the Scriptures

A crisis is no time to neglect the Bible. When we are in trouble, we need God's word more than ever, and we will see things in the Bible that we did not notice when the living was easy.

3 Pray

A crisis is no time to neglect prayer. We need prayer more than ever when we are in trouble.

4 Be Strengthened by the Holy Spirit

Not only does the Holy Spirit intercede for us (as just mentioned) but he dwells in us to strengthen us

5 Shift the Mind's Focus

Obviously we cannot help thinking about our troubles, however they should not be the constant focus. Even in times of trouble we should focus our minds on those high and noble things in which our hope is based.

If we will focus our mind on these at least as much as we focus on our tribulations, then we will help our minds to cope with our troubles and assist us in dealing with them.

6 Take Advantage of Christian Fellowship

Fellow Christians can be a source of strength and relief in time of need.

Christians are brothers and sisters in Christ. They pray together, and help each other through life. Do not be ashamed to take advantage of this when you have genuine need. If you have been willing to assume the duties of a Christian, why not also be willing to partake of the blessings that you need?

Christian fellowship is much more than social get-togethers. Being at a party or a picnic is the last thing you feel like doing if you have great worries and your life is in turmoil. But when someone reaches through the shallowness that often passes for fellowship, and links hands with you in some considerate and caring way, then you have had true fellowship that helps you to survive another day.

7 Practise the Pilgrim Principle

A great many people live this life as though it were the be-all and end-all. However this world is not our true home. Heaven is our home, and eternal life is our true life.

My Friend

There's no one quite like Jesus.
I could have no better Friend.
He's always there to help me,
And he'll be there to the end.

Well I know he cares about me,
And I'm sure he understands
The hurting in my heart
And the trembling in my hands.

There's no one quite like Jesus,
I could serve no better Friend.
He gave his own life for me,
And I'll love him to the end.

Well I've done a lot of crying
And I've had my share of loss,
But my troubles seem like nothing
When I see him on the cross.

There's no one quite like Jesus.
Why not have him for your Friend?
He loves you and he'll help you.
You can trust him to the end.

                 —Ron Graham

Preached at Ochanomizu Church of Christ (English room) Tokyo Sep 2008


Webservant Ron Graham

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