Related ideas: election (being chosen), predestination, the Holy Spirit,the church
Definitions: God through the gospel of Christ invites sinners to come to him for forgiveness, and sinners through prayer plead with God for the same. Thus God calls man, and man calls upon God.
The two callings
Joel 2:28-32 cf Acts 2:21,39 “whoever calls upon the name of the Lord...whom the Lord calls”
Acts 10:31-33 [Example of Cornelius, showing prayer and preaching as instruments of the two calls]
People calling upon God
Acts 9:13-14, 22:16 “All who call on Your name... calling upon the name of the Lord”
Romans 10:12-13 “...the Lord of all abounding in riches to all who call on him.”
Psalms 99:6 “Samuel was among those who called on his name. They called on the name of the Lord and he answered them.”
Psalms 51, Psalms 86 [Examples of David calling on God]
God calling people
Romans 1:1,6-7 “...the called of Jesus Christ ...called as saints”
Acts 2:38-39 “...the promise is for you, and your children, and for all who are far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call”
Revelation 17:14 “Those who are with the Lamb are the called and chosen and faithful”
2Thessalonians 2:14 “God called you by our gospel”
2Peter 1:10 “Give diligence to make your calling and election sure.”
Comment: Calling is an important idea in the scriptures, whether it be God calling people by his word, or people calling on God through prayer. The helper in both these processes is the Holy Spirit, the “Paraclete” (He who is “called alongside” to help).
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