You are viewing page 3 in the series “Study Starters” which provides 6 pages with concepts that will start you off on an absorbing and profitable line of study on your own.
The Bible is full of small things which God used in wonderful ways. I've made a list of some of them. It's a somewhat random list, but enough to start you thinking. You can find other small things to add to the list. Now see if you can pick out three or four related things, and make an inspiring lesson from it. I've only ever made one such lesson but I'm sure there are several effective lessons to be gleaned from this concept. Have a go yourself.
A heap of dust (Genesis 2:7,21-22).
One bone from Adam (Genesis 2:18-24).
An old childless man (Genesis 15:1-6).
David and Goliath —one small stone fells a giant (1Samuel 17:41-49).
A handful of flour and an empty jar (1Kings 17:8-16).
A stone against a mountain (Daniel 2:31-25).
A baby in a manger (Luke 2:8-18).
Four ordinary fishermen (Matthew 4:18-22).
A mustard seed (Matthew 13:31-32, 17:20).
Five loaves and two fishes (Matthew 14:15-21).
Note:—Grow This Seed. This page is but an idea —a seed to start you on your own personal study. Take the seed, grow it well and prayerfully. Your study will be fruitful. You need no scholarship, no special skill, and no books but the Bible.
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