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Author: Ron Graham


The Throne of David
—Throne prophecies fulfilled at Christ’s ascension

As we examine the premillennial view of the kingdom, one of the most important things for us to consider is the throne of David. David's throne was the throne of God on earth, but now it is Christ's throne in heaven.

From the statement by premillennialist Hal Lindsey we can see that the premillennial teaching has Christ, after his return, setting up a thousand year kingdom of God on earth. It is claimed that Christ will rule from the throne of David at Jerusalem.

"Most ministers and religious leaders today reject even the possibility that Christ will establish an actual physical kingdom of God on earth. Many who believe in a personal return of Christ reject that he will establish a thousand year kingdom of God and rule mortals from the throne of David out of Jerusalem after his return"
Hal Lindsey, 'The Late Great Planet Earth', chapter 13.

In contrast, Paul says, "God raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realm, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age, but also in the one to come, and he put all things under his feet in subjection, and gave him headship over all things to the church which is his body, the fulness of him who fills all in all" (Ephesians 1:19-23)

In this lesson, we are going to look generally at David’s throne in prophecy. In the next lesson we will concentrate on three particular prophecies that make it impossible for Jesus to reign on David’s throne on earth.

1 Christ to Reign on David’s Throne

The Old Testament certainly prophesied that Jesus would rule on David’s throne. There is no question about that (Psalms 132:11, Psalm 89:3-4, 2Samuel 7:12-13, Isaiah 9:6-7, cf Luke 1:31-32).

The question that must be raised is not what these prophecies say (that Christ would sit on David’s throne) but when and where were they to be fulfilled. The answer to this question and the fulfillment of the throne promise is found in Acts 2:25-36.

2 Prophecy Fulfilled at Christ’s Resurrection and Ascension

The throne prophecies were fulfilled at Christ’s resurrection and ascension; they are not still waiting to be fulfilled at his Second Coming

Peter says that because David knew God had sworn to him with an oath that he would seat one of David’s descendants an David’s throne therefore David looked ahead and prophesied of the resurrection of Christ (Acts 2:30-31).

Do you notice the significance of that? David, with the throne promise in mind, spoke not of the second coming of Christ but of the resurrection of Christ. It is the resurrection of Christ and his ascension to the right hand of God that fulfills the throne promise. I did not say that. The inspired apostle Peter did. That is not my interpretation of the throne prophecies. That is the inspired interpretation.

This is confirmed in Daniel’s vision (Daniel 7:13-14). The vision pictures Christ coming before the Ancient of Days. This is a clear reference to his ascension, furthermore the event takes place in heaven not on earth. The vision goes on to describe Christ being given the kingdom.

Premillennialists say the throne promise will be fulfilled on earth at the second coming of Christ. Acts 2:25-36 says it was fulfilled in heaven at the resurrection and ascension of Christ. Which do you believe?

3 David’s Throne Was God’s Throne

Jesus was able to say, "I have sat down with my Father in his throne" (Revelation 3:21). The premillennialist makes a distinction between God’s throne and David’s throne. But it can be simply demonstrated that this is a false distinction. In parallel passages describing exactly the same event, we read...

We see therefore that David’s throne is the Lord’s throne not a different throne.

It is strange to think that Jesus is going to be demoted from his heavenly throne to a throne here on earth —and in fact it cannot happen. As we shall see in our next lesson, there are three prophetic statements which Christ would break if he were to reign on David’s throne in earthly Jerusalem.


Webservant Ron Graham

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