A series of studies addressing the ideas and suppositions of the popular premillennial doctrines about the second coming and the kingdom of God. Tap any title next to an arrow in the list below.
➤ Premillennial Timetable —A chart of the premillennial view of the future. This chart does not show what the Bible teaches, but serves as a reference for the series of lessons on premillennialism.
➤ Back to Shadows —Will the Millennium see Christ institute the law of Moses again along with temple sacrifices and festivals?
➤ Newspaper Bible —The premillennial view of end times relies on interpreting Bible prophecy as though it reads like, and foretells, what we read today in our newspapers and hear and see on our newscasts.
➤ Jigsaw Puzzle Bible —The premillennial view of end times rests on interpreting Bible prophecy as though it’s a jigsaw puzzle —all in jumbled bits and pieces that have to be pieced together for a coherent picture to emerge.
➤ Literal Bible —There’s an idea that Bible prophecy should consistently be taken literally. This lesson examines whether the premillennial interpretation of the Bible is literal as claimed.
➤ Literal and Figurative - What's It All About —There’s a lot of confusion about what’s figurative and what's literal in the Bible, and about what these terms mean. How do we decide which prophecies are literal, which are figurative, and which are both?
➤ The Prophecy Clock —Was there a parenthesis in prophecy? Did the prophecy clock stop? Did Jesus fail to set up his kingdom?
➤ Daniel's Seventy Weeks —discusses the seventy weeks and the decrees to rebuild Jerusalem.
➤ History and Daniel's 70 Weeks —More Bible study about the seventy weeks of Daniel chapter 9.
➤ What is Premillennialism —A brief look at what premillennialists generally say will happen in the near future and the 30 chapters they base it on.
➤ The Premillennial View of the Church —Seven things about the church and kingdom of God that do not make sense in the Premillennial view.
➤ The Throne of David —This lesson is about the throne of David and its connection in prophecy with the Messiah’s resurrection and ascension to God’s throne.
➤ No Earthly Throne —Will the throne of David again be set up on earth? We look at three prophecies that give reasons why that cannot be.
➤ The Rapture —The Rapture at the Last Day is a precious promise to the Christian. However the popular teaching about it is wrong.
➤ The Doomsday Doctrine —What the Bible says about the days before Christ's second advent, compared to the Doomsday view.
➤ Seven Nasty Years —Refuting the premillennial doctrine about Israel, Antichrist, and Armageddon.
➤ Is the Earth Eternal? —Examines the question of whether the earth is eternal or whether it will be destroyed.
➤ Why Harold Camping’s Prediction Failed —Harold Camping of Family Radio predicted Judgment Day as May 21, 2011. Why was his failed prophecy false? We look at his three blunt tools.
➤ Ronald Weinland’s Dud Date for Second Coming —Like Harold Camping who said that Christ would come in May 2011, Ronald Weinland purports to be a prophet who knows that Christ will come in May 2012. To be precise, May 27, 2012. OK, let's talk about waiting for Jesus.
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