One day I was trying to think of a subject to preach on, and I kept coming up with nothing. So I went to church with nothing to preach on. I was so successful at preaching on nothing, that I had enough material not only for the sermon, but also for the Bible class. Even then, I still had enough to say about nothing to furnish another lesson, however I thought two lessons about nothing was quite enough.
Below are the skeletons for a series of three lessons about nothing. You may wish to develop these into lessons of your own.
1Timothy 6:7
We brought nothing into the world and we can't take anything out of the world.
Philippians 4:6
We should not be anxious about anything, but by thankful prayer make our needs and requests known to God.
Romans 8:39
Nothing, not even death, can separate us from God and his love.
Luke 1:37
As the angel told Mary, nothing shall be impossible with God. Of course this means nothing that is good and right and true and just (Hebrews 6:18).
John 15:5
Jesus says that apart from him we can do nothing of any eternal consequence, just as as he himself could do nothing apart from his Father (John 5:30).
Philippians 4:13
Paul wrote triumphantly, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!" That means there is nothing that really matters, nothing that is right and that ought to be done by us, that we cannot achieve with the help of Jesus.
Acts 20:20
Paul in his years of work at Ephesus, said that he had held back nothing that was profitable. He preached the truth, all the truth, and nothing but the truth.
2Corinthians 13:8
The truth is strong and the truth will always win in the end. We can do nothing against the truth.
Mark 16:16
Jesus said to take the gospel truth into all the world and tell it to the whole creation. In following this great commission, we are to leave nothing undone that we ought to do. We must complete the work that Jesus entrusted to us.
Note:— Grow This Seed. This page is but an idea —a seed to start you on your own personal study. Take the seed, grow it well and prayerfully. Your study will be fruitful. You need no scholarship, no special skill, and no books but the Bible. /f50c-start-lessons-about-nothing.htm
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