You are viewing lesson 18 in the series “Spiritual Enlightenment” which provides 31 individual sermons which aim to enlighten people about some important issue of the heart.
Two Spiritual Kingdoms —Kingdom of God and kingdom of darkness
This is a lesson about two kingdoms. They are spiritual kingdoms. This does not mean they are imaginary or philosophical constructs. They are real but not political or geographical kingdoms. Rather they are world wide and exist in people’s hearts. Every person in the world belongs to one of these kingdoms.
In this chart we compare the two kingdoms according to certain criteria or characteristics.
1 The two spiritual kingdoms
There are certain things that need to be considered in every kingdom...
First there needs to be a monarch. So every kingdom is concerned with having someone crowned and enthroned as ruler.
Next, every kingdom has to have a realm or territory over which its monarch rules.
That realm must be occupied by citizens.
The citizens must abide by certain laws issued by the monarch.
The citizens also live by certain distinguishing customs.
A kingdom is concerned with its strength and power in conquering and defending.
A kingdom is also concerned with its destiny—whether it will fall to ruin or rise to glory.
The seven considerations above are true of spiritual kingdoms too. They are true of Christ's kingdom, and they are true of Satan's.
The chart compares the dominions of Christ and Satan under each of the seven criteria. It makes a very interesting and enlightening study. Why not open your Bible and read the passages given?
2 Questions you must ask yourself...
To help you make a personal application of the study, here are some questions to consider.
Am I acknowledging Jesus as my Lord and King, or am I by default letting Satan have dominion over me?
Though Christ's kingdom is in the world where I am, yet it is the kingdom of Heaven and not of the world. So where is my life and heart centered? Are my affections for this world or for the heavenly realms?
Am I a true believer in Jesus Christ and therefore a citizen of his kingdom, or am I an unbeliever and therefore an alien to his realm?
Do I keep the law of Jesus, both believing and obeying the gospel, or am I a lawless one deceived into disregard of his covenant law?
Is it my custom and habit to show the light and Spirit of Christ in my daily conduct, or am I walking in darkness and fleshly lusts?
Am I living in the power and victory of Jesus, more than a conqueror through him (Romans 8:37), or am I living in my own weakness and failure under the illusion that I am strong?
What is my destiny? I can ask no question more important than that. My destiny cannot be something in this life, because the last thing that will happen to me in this life is my death. Have I secured life after death, eternal life in heavenly glory with Christ? Or is he going to send me away into everlasting punishment because I did not honour him as my King and become a loyal citizen of his kingdom under his blessing?
3 The Chart
KING(Colossians 1:13,Colossians 3:1-17)
REALM(John 14:30,John 18:36-37)
CITIZENS(John 3:16-21)
LAW(John 14:23-24,1John 2:3-5)
CUSTOM(John 1:4-5, Galatians 5:19-23)
POWER(Ephesians 1:19-21Ephesians 2:1-7)
DESTINY(Matthew 25:31-34,41,46)
"Choose you this day whom you will serve"(Joshua 24:15).
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