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Author: Ron Graham

History of IsraelTimes of Israel series

Peter’s Adventures
—And the mission of the new prophets

Time ~ 11. Dawning of New Israel
Span ~ 70 years
Books ~ Acts, the Epistles, Revelation
Figures ~ Peter Paul
Begins with ~ Death of Jesus

Among the apostles and evangelists of Jesus Christ was Peter, one of "the twelve", that special group whom Jesus chose and trained during his own personal ministry of the gospel. This lesson is about Peter, a fisherman from Galilee whom Jesus made a very special fisher of men.

1 Christ’s Men

Jesus Christ did not choose from among the rich, the wise, and the powerful to help establish his kingdom, but from among the poor, lowly and sometimes weak. This was true of most of the old testament patriarchs. It is even more evident in the spiritual Israel.

Shining Examples

Over the time in which the New Israel (the kingdom of Heaven or church of Christ) was being established, there were many wonderful preachers such as the twelve apostles, Stephen, Philip, Paul, Apollos, Timothy, and many others.

The New Prophets

These men are to the new testament and the new Israel what the prophets were to the old. Indeed, the majority of these preachers were prophets, being inspired by God just as the old testament prophets had been. In a sense they were "more inspired" than the prophets of old, because their message made clear much that was previously shrouded in mystery (Colossians 1:25-26, Hebrews 1:1-2, 2Peter 3:2).

Their Mission

These great men were obeying the great commission to take the gospel into all the world to "every creature". They accomplished this task within a period of 40 years (Colossians 1:23).

A Man Called Peter

Among these apostles and evangelists was Peter, one of "the twelve", that special group whom Jesus chose and trained during his own personal ministry of the gospel.

2 A few facts about Peter

3 Bible Summary (Gospels and Acts )


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