Titus 3:7"...being justified by his grace, we might be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life".
Rom 3:23-28"Justified as a gift by his grace" through the Redeemer's sacrifice.
Justified by Christ’s death
Romans 5:9,18 "Justified by his blood...by one righteous act [his death] all men were justified to life".
1Corinthians 1:30 "Jesus... was made to us wisdom from God, and justification and sanctification, and redemption".
Justified by faith and obedience
Romans 1:16-17 "The just shall live by faith" through the power of the gospel.
James 2:14-26 "...justified by works, and not by faith alone"
1John 3:7 "He who does righteousness is just, even as [Christ] is righteous"
Comment: We cannot have sufficient righteousness to be justified by our own works without faith in Jesus Christ. Neither can we be justified by faith alone without works.
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