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Author: Ron Graham


Our Right Set of Values (2)
—Precious stone, a quiet spirit, ministry, and light (1Peter)

This lesson continues on from the previous lesson, in which we looked at three of the things Peter tells us are very precious and from which we can form a right set of values. Now we look at the other four.

1 Precious Stone

1Peter 2:6-7 Peter draws on Isaiah's prophecy of Christ which refers to him as "a precious corner stone" (1Peter 2:6-7, Isaiah 28:16).

The chief corner stone was the key stone of the foundation of a building, and the one from which the important measurements were taken. It was a costly stone to have hewn, transported, and laid. It had to be just right, and the builder would reject the stone if he thought it wasn't perfect.

Peter contrasts this with another stone mentioned in Isaiah, "a stone to stumble over" (1Peter 2:7-8 Isaiah 8:14).

To those who disbelieve, he is a stumbling stone, a stone to be rejected. To those who believe, however, Jesus is seen as God sees him. He is the precious corner stone, the foundation of the church and of our faith, and no other foundation can be laid (1Corinthians 3:11-13, Ephesians 2:19-21).

2 A Quiet Spirit

1Peter 3:4 Peter speaks of "the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit. He says that such a spirit is "precious in the sight of God".

Further down Peter says, "Let all be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted, and humble in spirit" (1Peter 3:8).

Still further down he quotes the scripture that says, "Seek peace and pursue it" (1Peter 3:11 Psalms 34:14). The quiet and gentle spirit is also described in 2Peter 1:4-11.

A quiet spirit is not a weak or dull spirit. It's hope is strongly fixed on the grace of God (1Peter 1:13). Although quiet, it is also fervent (1Peter 1:22).

A quiet spirit is like a river with a strong current running beneath its calm surface. The quiet spirit is sober and strong in faith (1Peter 5:8-9).

To achieve the qualities of a beautiful spirit is of much more value than achieving a beautiful body.

The most precious gems in the world may adorn the human body, but these are nothing compared to the precious graces that may adorn the human spirit and which are given freely by God to those who want them.

3 Gifts For Ministry

1Peter 4:10 Peter does not use the word "precious" in 1Peter 4:10, but the idea is there certainly.

Peter says that "each one has received a gift" and these gifts come from "the manifold grace of God".

Peter encourages each of us to be "good stewards" of our gifts. This reminds us of our Lord's parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30).

4 Marvelous Light

1Peter 2:9 Again, the word "precious" is not in this verse, but the idea is. We have been "called out of darkness into his marvelous light".

The light of God is provided to us in "the prophetic word" of Scripture which Peter likens to "a lamp shining in a dark place until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts" (2Peter 1:19).

How marvelous it is that God so enlightens us, and how precious is the knowledge that has come to us from God.


Webservant Ron Graham

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