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Author: Ron Graham

Glossary Simplybible

Word Study: Gift

Word family: Gift, gifted.

Synonyms: Blessing, talent, ministry, ability, power, endowment, skill.

Related ideas: Service (ministry), growth and edification, sanctification, God’s work, God’s providence, the Holy Spirit.

Definitions: A gift of God is a power or ability bestowed naturally or supernaturally for the purpose of serving God.

Greek References: χαρισμα (karisma, charisma) 5486 (Strong) cf 5483-5487 δορεα (dorea) 1431 (Strong) cf 1432-1435


  The Gift of eternal life

  • Romans 6:23 "The gift of God is eternal life..."
  • Romans 11:29 "The gifts and calling of God are unchangeable."
  • 2Peter 1:3 "...His divine power has given to us everything pertaining to life and godliness."

  Miraculous and providential gifts

  • 1Corinthians 12:4-11, 28-31 "There are diversities of gifts..."
  • James 1:17 "Every perfect gift is from above... from the Father..."
  • Ephesians 4:7 "To each one grace was given according to the measure of Christ's gift..."

  Using our gifts

  • 1Timothy 4:14 "Do not neglect the gift that is in you."
  • 2Timothy 1:6 "Stir up the gift that is in you..."
  • 1Peter 4:10-11 "As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving..."

Comment: Every gift is from God, whether we are born with it or receive it along the way. Therefore we ought to serve God with the gifts he has given us. Our lives have meaning when we endeavour to disover our gifts and to find ways to use them for God’s purpose.

Best lesson: Diversity of Gifts and Ministries


Webservant Ron Graham

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