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Author: Ron Graham

Alphabetical Index

“Sabbath” to “Saron”
—Alphabetical index S  <1>

Sabbath A Rest for God's PeopleAfter God created the world, he rested, indicating that beyond our life in this world we can look forward to a rest with God in heaven.

Sabbath Sabbath to Sunday?(Old Testament issues.) A lesson on the Christian Sabbath

Sabbath Three Sabbaths ChartChart showing three sabbaths: God’s rest on the seventh day of creation, the sabbath of the law of Moses, and the Christian sabbath rest which is eternal life in heaven.

Sacrifice Christ, Perfect Example of All SufferingIn the death of Jesus on the cross, his flesh and blood became a sacrifice for our sins. What is more, no other sacrifice could redeem and reconcile humankind, nor was any more sacrifice than this called for. This study in Colossians includes “Our Journey With Christ.”

Sacrifice The sacrifice of Christ THREADList of Bible lessons on the topic “sacrifice”, from’s study pages.

Sacrifice Adventures of AbrahamWe look at the sojourns and adventures of Abraham, along with his wife Sarah, his nephew Lot, and Lot’s wife (Genesis 12-22).

Index for Sacrifice

Sacrifice, your body a Have You Counted the Cost?The most important things cannot be evaluated on a calculator. But you can count the cost in your heart.

Sacrifice, your body a Your Body a SacrificePaul was very concerned about how faith in one’s heart should develop into a faith lived out in one’s flesh.

Sacrifice of praise A Pleasing SacrificeChristians are to offer pleasing sacrifices to God but not for sin. These include the sacrifice of praise (Hebrews 13:15-16).

Sad Jesus Healed All My HurtsLife in this world can be a sad and shattering experience. Jesus helps us to understand our troubles and problems, and to get through them.

Safety The Hadean States of the SoulTwo of the seven possible states of the soul belong to the realm of the dead called Hades in the New Testament and Sheol in the Old. Of the two states in this realm, one is a state of doom. The other is a state of safety.

Saints Sanctification (Wonderful Words)We look at five characteristics of saints and of their sanctification or holiness: purification, separateness, fellowship, enlightenment, and loyalty.

Saints Only Saints are SealedThree point Bible study: (1) All the saints are sealed, (2) Only saints are sealed, (3) All the saved are saints.

Saints, security of Perseverance of the SaintsCan a saved person cease to be saved and become lost again? The doctrine of the perseverance of the saints says “No.” Is that right or wrong?

Saints The Unknown Disciples (Romans 16)A study of Romans 16 which names about 30 persons of whom we know nothing except what we find in this chapter.

Salamis Acts FactsWhat the book of Acts tells us happened in Salamis. Includes a map of the region.

Salem Acts FactsWhat the book of Acts tells us happened in Salem/Jerusalem. Includes a map of the region.

Salmone Acts FactsWhat the book of Acts tells us happened in Salmone. Includes a map of the region.

Salt Salt and Light (Matt 5)Salt and light have properties that make them very apt symbols of the Christian.

Salutation Galatians in outlineGalatians is a structured epistle consisting of four main sections separated by five appeals. This outline shows that structure.

NoteSALUTATION: A salutation is a statement of greeting. A benediction is a statement of blessing. A doxology is a statement of praise to God.

Salvation God’s Plan of Salvation SERIESStudies in Paul’s letter to the Romans. We examine faith and works, sin and its solution, the power of the gospel, the chain of events in salvation, and God’s living way.

Salvation Lessons on Salvation THREADList of Bible lessons on the topic “salvation”, from’s study pages.

Salvation Salvation ClusterThis index will help you quickly find lessons on some aspect of “Salvation”. The cluster of topics includes definition and word studies of “Salvation” and “Justification”, the promise and seal of salvation, sin, and the great questions of who can be saved and what one must do to be saved.

Salvation WORDS Salvation Defined Several technical or special words in the Bible are studied and explained in our glossary. This lesson provides a word family, definitions, Greek/Hebrew references, a scripture chain, comments, and links, related to “Salvation”.

Salvation What 1st John Says About Love (1)Jesus Christ is the origin and example of true godly love. Love does not smile sweetly at sin. Rather, love demands obedience to God’s word.

Salvation Prayer and SalvationThere are things we must do to be saved. We ought to do those things prayerfully. We ought to come to Christ obeying, but also come to Christ praying. Prayer is essential in the over⁠-⁠all process of conversion to Christ.

Salvation Prayer and Staying SavedOnce saved, there are things we must do to stay saved. We ought to do those things prayerfully. We ought to continue obeying, but also continue praying. Prayer is essential in our way of life after conversion to Christ.

Index for Salvation

Salvation, stages of Saved in Three Tenses This lesson is about three times of salvation, past⁠-⁠present⁠-⁠future. There are, so to speak, three tenses of salvation: we have been saved, we are being saved, and we shall be saved.

Samaria Acts FactsWhat the book of Acts tells us happened in Samaria. Includes a map of the region.

Samaria The Kingdom DividedTen tribes rebelled against Solomon, and a second kingdom was formed with Solomon’s servant Jeroboam as king. This kingdom was apostate.

Samaritan The Good SamaritanThe quality of heart portrayed in this parable is a heart of compassion which sincerely and impartially loves fellow men, and through this loves God.

Samos Acts FactsWhat the book of Acts tells us happened in Samos. Includes a map of the region.

Samothrace Acts FactsWhat the book of Acts tells us happened in Samothrace. Includes a map of the region.

Sample Sample Study ChartPrayer, the Word, and Related Topics. Demonstrates how to make a chart to help you study other Bible topics.

Samson Adventures of SamsonThe judges of Israel seemed to have strange mixtures of weakness and strength. In some ways they were wise and strong, in others weak and foolish. Yet God still credited what faith they had, and even in their unworthiness used them as instruments of his will (Judges 10-21).

Samson Facts About Samson Bible facts about Samson, one of the judges of Old Testament fame.

Samuel Adventures of SamuelA man of justice and righteousness, who worked hard to bring people back to God. Samuel was dedicated to God, first by his mother, then by himself. How better to spend a life? (1Samuel 1-7).

Samuel A King Over IsraelTension between the will of God and the will of man. God would rather that he alone be Israel’s king, but they wanted a human king, so God yielded (1Samuel 8-15).

Sanctification WORDS Sanctification DefinedSeveral technical or special words in the Bible are studied and explained in our glossary. This lesson provides a word family, definitions, Greek/Hebrew references, a scripture chain, comments, and links, related to “sanctification”.

Sanctification Sanctification (Wonderful Words)We look at five characteristics of saints and of their sanctification or holiness: purification, separateness, fellowship, enlightenment, and loyalty.

Sanctification What Jesus Accomplished on the CrossExplains justification, sanctification, and redemption.

Index for Sanctification

Sanctification The Spirit and the WordCompares scripture with scripture regarding the Spirit and the word. The Holy Spirit works through God’s word.

Sapphira The Lie that Brought DeathAnanias and Sapphira told a lie. The account in Acts 5, is one of the most unsettling stories in the Bible.

Sarah and Hagar Adventures of AbrahamWe look at the sojourns and adventures of Abraham, along with his wife Sarah, his nephew Lot, and Lot’s wife (Genesis 12-22).

Sarah and Hagar Election and RejectionThe principle of ELECTION or DIVINE CALLING is a major thread running unbroken through the whole story of the Bible. It is important for Christians to understand how this principle relates to human choice and responsibility.

Sarah and Hagar An Allegory ExplainedTo show the significance of events surrounding God’s promise to Abraham, and to show that the law of Moses has been abolished, Paul walks us through the allegorical meaning of the true story of Hagar and Sarah (Galatians 4:21-31.)

Sardis If We Sin WilfullyWe are going to examine seven portions of scripture that show we Christians, although certainly secure, nurtured, and protected, will not remain so unless we respond to God’s grace and diligently fulfill his conditions according to his purpose for us.

Saron Acts FactsWhat the book of Acts tells us happened in Saron/Sharon. Includes a map of the region.


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