➤ Xenoglossia Speaking in Tongues —Distinguishing xenoglossia from glossolalia. Biblical “speaking in tongues” is not what some folk believe it to be.
Note —XENOGLOSSY: is defined in Chambers’s dictionary as “the spontaneous use of a language which the speaker has never heard or learned. No scientifically attested case of xenoglossia has ever come to light.” From Greek, xeno strange, glossa tongue.
➤ Yaweh Is Jesus Jehovah? —In this lesson we ask whether Jesus has a right to God’s name: Jehovah or Yahweh.
➤ Yielded will Jesus Forgave Me All My Sins —Why let your stubborn will stop you turning to your Heavenly Father for forgiveness of your sins? Invite him into your heart and do as he says.
➤ Yoke His Burden is Light —Keeping God’s commandments is a burden to some people, but it should not be. Jesus said, “My yoke is easy and my burden is light”.
Note —YOKE: A bow-shaped crosspiece as part of the harness of beasts of burden. It joins two or more animals together such that they share the burden they are pulling.
➤ Your Saviour Y ~ Your Saviour —The PURPOSE of Jesus to be YOUR SAVIOUR who can give you fellowship with God.
➤ Youth Why Do Young People Leave? —Many young people are turning away from being true disciples of Jesus, including those carefully taught in Christian families and who even obeyed the gospel with genuine faith.
➤ YouTube AVM Excerpts —Index to video clips on YouTube from the Australian Video Ministry circa 1980.
➤ YouTube Slide Shows (video) —Index to video slide shows on YouTube.
➤ Zacchaeus The Zacchaeus Principle —A lesson from Luke 19:1-10, observing the manner in which Zacchaeus repented.
➤ Zarephath, widow of Adventures of Elijah —In the time of the divided kingdom, God sent his prophet Elijah. This lesson is about him, and includes his dealings with the widow of Zarephath.
➤ Zeal The Zeal of God —God is a zealous God and he wears zeal as his mantle. He expects us to do the same.
➤ Zealous Adventures of Elijah —In the time of the divided kingdom, God sent his prophet Elijah. This lesson is about him.
➤ Zechariah The Order of Melchizedek —Melchizedek was not only a king; he was also a priest of the Most High God. Melchizedek symbolized Christ and his new priesthood and law.
➤ Zerubbabel The Order of Melchizedek —This lesson is about Melchizedek but also has information about Zerubbabel.
➤ Zion Zion and Jerusalem —Supplementary Notes on Zion and Jerusalem including its being twice destroyed.
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