This page provides information about the church of Christ in Bundaberg.
Churches of Christ (Romans 16:16) are independent congregations having no connection with any religious organisation, whether protestant, catholic, orthodox, pentecostal, calvinistic, new age, or anything else. Rather, their members are happy to be simply Christians, following the Bible and only the Bible. There were churches of Christ long before any of today's confusing array of denominations and sects existed. That was in the first century. This is the twenty-first century, and such churches still exist in great numbers around the world. One of them is the church of Christ which meets in Targo Street Bundaberg.
Bundaberg church distributes a gospel message to homes in Bundaberg and its neighboring towns. Billboards are placed on main highways in the region. If you have visited this website by one of those messages, please feel welcome and have a good look around.
Visit us on facebook at and we'd like you to like us.
✭✭✭ The information re meeting place and times is temporarily withdrawn because of social distancing regulations. Please contact the Bundaberg church for current arrangements.
The church has more than 30 members. They are baptized believers in Christ following the scriptures as their only creed, and not affiliated with any denomination. They are simply Christians. The church is blessed with a number of mature age members. It is also closely associated with several Christian families living in towns of neighbouring regions such as Gin Gin, Gladstone, Gayndah, and Maryborough.
Phone (mobile) 0488 521 408
Bundaberg is a major city in Queensland Australia, 385km north of Brisbane, the state's capital. Situated on the Burnett River, Bundaberg is near the southern end of the Great Barrier Reef. Nearby beaches vary; some are sandy, some are strewn volcanic rock, and some are mangrove. A little below the Tropic of Capricorn, Bundaberg has a temperate subtropical climate. Industries include a large central business district, a large port, sugar cane fields and market gardens, mill and distillery, tourism, fishing, and retirement services. The city itself has a population of over 50,000 and is growing very fast. There are many churches.
Whilst the church described on this page lends its name to this website, and encourages it along with several other Australian churches, there may be some matters addressed on this website concerning which there are differences of opinion, or of interpretation. Some members and ministers of the church may hold a differing view. In churches of Christ the Bible is the final authority, not any particular preacher. It is a healthy sign in the churches that all doctrines and practices are subject to review in the light of God’s word. /dbundychurch.htm
Copyright © 2015 Ron Graham All rights reserved.
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