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You are viewing a list of what's in the series Listen To Jesus” which provides 8 lessons taking some of the great sayings of Jesus to which we should listen and pay attention.


Author: Ron Graham

Listen to Jesus

Listen to Jesus
—Great sayings of Christ

This index guides you to the lessons on clustered around the topic, “Listen to Jesus”. These lessons are based on some of the great sayings of Jesus. Tap any title next to an arrow in the list below.

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Signs of the Times Jesus chided the religious leaders of his day, because they could read the weather in the sky, but they couldn't see the signs of a different and far more important “storm” building up: a storm of hatred against Jesus God’s Son (Matthew 16:1-4).

In Need of a PhysicianWhen Matthew, a new disciple of Jesus, put on a dinner for the Master, he invited his friends who were all tax gatherers and sinners. The religious leaders of Jesus’s day criticised Jesus for associating with these sinners. Jesus answered that sinners need compassion and a physician (Matthew 9:9-13).

Narrow is the GateThe parable of the two gates pictures the people of Earth walking on two roads. One is broad and many walk that way. The other is narrow and few find the gate to it. These two roads don't lead to the same place (Matthew 7:13-14).

I Never Knew YouJesus says something quite astounding: many people call him Lord but he doesn't know them and calls them workers of iniquity (Matthew 7:21-27).

Well Done! Come!On Judgment day, Jesus will commend and reward the deeds we do for others, and appreciate them as though they were done for him (Matthew 25:23,34,40).

Seek First the KingdomJesus says not to worry about our lives and such things as food and clothing. Rather, seek first God’s kingdom and lay up treasure in heaven (Matthew 6:24-34).

In My Father’s HouseJesus says that he is going back to heaven to prepare a place for his disciples; and that he will come back again to take them there (John 14:1-6).

Whoever Comes is Not Cast OutIn John 6:37 Jesus tells us three important things. First, the people he saves are given him by his Father. Second, Jesus wants people to come to him of their own willingness. Thirdly, Jesus will never refuse salvation to anyone who comes to him.


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Copyright © Ron Graham 2001