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You are viewing a list of what's in the series We Beheld His Glory” which provides 8 lessons looking in depth at the nature and work of Christ, using John chapter one as a basis. The GLORY chart is an acrostic outline of the studies.


Author: Ron Graham


We Beheld His Glory
—List of lessons

A series of lessons about our Lord Jesus Christ. These lessons study and portray Jesus using John chapter one as a basis and GLORY as an acrostic. Tap any title next to an arrow in the list below.

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We Beheld His GloryWe discuss the human nature and the divine nature of Jesus Christ and defend the traditional and orthodox view. A CHART is included outlining and indexing the following five lessons.

G - Jesus is God The POWER of Jesus as the GOD who created all things and for whom all things exist.

L - Jesus the Lamb The PERFECTION of Jesus as the LAMB of God whose precious blood can take away all sins of all people.

O - Jesus the Only begotten The PLACE of Jesus as the ONLY BEGOTTEN Son of God who has first place in God's family.

R - Jesus the Revealer The PROCLAMATION of Jesus as the REVEALER who manifested God and preached the gospel of eternal life.

Y - Jesus Your Saviour The PURPOSE of Jesus to be YOUR SAVIOUR who can give you fellowship with God.

Quiz on John 1:1-34Here's a Bible study quiz on John chapter 1, the first 34 verses. The Bible questions are not trivia. Rather they help you to learn the message of the scripture. There are 26 questions in this quiz.

The Three Glories This lesson looks at Glory from three viewpoints: (1) The glory God gives to his Son Jesus Christ; (2) The glory God gives to us; and (3) The glory we give to God.

Other series about Jesus Christ

Lessons About Jesus

Jesus Changed My Heart

Listen to Jesus

Christ is All (Colossians)

Parables That Jesus Told

Sermon on the Mount

Jesus in Hebrews

Index for Jesus Christ


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Copyright © Ron Graham 2001