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You are viewing a list of what's in the series Letters to Timothy” which provides 23 lessons as verse-by-verse studies of Paul’s letters to Timothy.


Author: Ron Graham

Study of First Timothy

Paul’s Letters to Timothy
—Verse by verse studies

These lessons provide a verse by verse study of Paul’s letters to Timothy. The first letter is completed. Now in 2022, God willing, we will move into the second letter Tap any title next to an arrow in the list below.

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1Timothy 1:1-11 God’s Provisions for our MindsGod helps people live the Christian life by providing the training, discipline, information, and edification that is needed.

1Timothy 1:5,8-11 The Gospel’s GoalThe gospel is not "fruitless" like the speculations of false teachers. The gospel has a definite aim, and it hits its target.

1Timothy 1:12-20 Paul the Sinner’s Experience of ChristImagine that Paul was applying for the job of an apostle of Christ, and Jesus was interviewing him.

1Timothy 2:1-4 God’s Agenda for HumanityGod "desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth". The salvation and enlightenment of humanity has always been the will and work of God.

1Timothy 2:5-8 God’s Goal of OnenessThere is but one path to eternal life, the path of faith in Jesus Christ and full obedience to him. This one faith is the center of the gospel.

1Timothy 2:9-15 God’s Will for WomenGod does not have a separate agenda and a separate law for the male and female halves of mankind. He has one agenda and one law for all.

1Timothy 3:1-13 Bishops and DeaconsWhat sort of men makes good elders and deacons?

1Timothy 3:14-16 Paul’s Reason to WritePaul hopes to see Timothy in person shortly, but in case not, he sends Timothy instruction about problems he may face in Paul’s absence.

1Timothy 3:16 The Common Confession of the ChurchPaul wants to remind Timothy of points of doctrine about which there should be no argument or controversy.

1Timothy 4:1-6 The Falling Away and the False TeachersWhen a church is established, there is a passion for the truth. In later times, however, there comes a falling away.

1Timothy 4:7-11 Fads and FablesFortunately in this confused world, flooded with all kinds of false religious teaching and superstition, there is an anchor, namely the gospel, to which we can fix our hope.

1Timothy 4:12 Excellence in Ministry (1)Timothy is to set such an excellent example "in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity" (1Timothy 4:12) that nobody could reasonably hold his youth against him.

1Timothy 4:13-16 Principles of Timothy’s MinistryThe worthiness of a man to take up a ministry should be judged primarily on his strength in the word of God. In all his pains, that's what he should major in.

1Timothy 5:1-25 Order in the Church FamilyWe begin to look at proper order in the church, which is the subject of the last two chapters of the letter.

1Timothy 5:1-25 Order in the Church MinistryPaul now turns his attention back to Timothy himself, and the order that should characterise Timothy’s own life and ministry in the church.

1Timothy 6:1-21 Good and Bad LovesThe last chapter has some more very sound teaching that will empower any church to keep its order and direction. The main issue is what we should love.

1Timothy 6:5,10,17 Madness, Sadness, GladnessIn First Timothy chapter 6, Paul writes about how Christians should regard the world they live in. He mentions three relationships that one can have with the world. In this lesson we call them Madness, Sadness, and Gladness. The last one is of course the one we should choose.

Paul’s Second Letter to Timothy

2Timothy 1, Paul's Precious RelationshipsA study outline of Second Timothy chapter 1 verses 1-18. Main topic Paul’s Precious Relationships

2Timothy 2, Faithful and Strong 1A verse by verse study outline in Paul’s second letter to Timothy. In this lesson we examine chapter 2, verses 1-13, looking at the strength of faith and truth in Timothy and Paul.

2Timothy 2, Faithful and Strong 2A verse by verse study outline in Paul’s second letter to Timothy. In this lesson we examine chapter 2, verses 14-26, looking at the strength of faith and truth in Timothy, Paul, and their fellow gospel workers.

2Timothy 3, Lovers of SelfA verse by verse study outline in Paul’s second letter to Timothy. In this lesson we examine chapter 3, verses 1-17. This chapter is about lovers of self versus lovers of God.

2Timothy 4, Jesus the Righteous Judge 1A verse by verse study in Paul’s second letter to Timothy. In this lesson we examine chapter 4 verses 1-8. The first eight verses are about Jesus the Righteous Judge.

2Timothy 4, Jesus the Righteous Judge 2A verse by verse study in Paul’s second letter to Timothy. In this lesson we examine chapter 4 verses 9-22. The first eight verses are about Jesus the Righteous Judge. The rest of the chapter shows that Jesus judges people according to their deeds.


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