This page reports my work on for the information of those who take a special interest in that work.
This quarter was down on last year’s first quarter which was unusually high. There was the usual freshening wind in January to blow us out of the December Doldrums.
Over the quarter, 5 half-hour videos were taken from the archive and converted into YouTube videos. The videos made and published this quarter were...
YouTube I Can! (1) Philippians
YouTube I Can! (2) The Spiritual Mind (Philippians)
YouTube I Can! (3) Are You Positive? (Philippians)
YouTube I Can! (4) Spiritual Wellbeing (Philippians)
YouTube I Can! (5) Toward our Goal (Philippians)
You can inspect the video library here:
14 new lesson pages were added to the site. This brings the number of study pages on the site to 1448. The new pages are...
Tenkomanmen i no blong NT
Yumi Mas Safa Tumas
Hemia Tru Disaepol blong Kraes
Nambawan Samting long Laef blong Yu
Ezekiel Outline Chapter 1
Ezekiel Outline Chapters 2-3
Ezekiel Outline Chapters 4-5
Ezekiel Outline Chapters 6-7-8
Ezekiel Chapters 9-10-11
Ezekiel Chapters 12-13-14-15
Church Meeting Online
Worship God's Son
Hard to Hear (6)
Ten Commandments Belong to Old Testament
The figures for page views over the quarter (total of pages opened by visitors) were as follows:
Month | Pageviews | Visits | |
Jan | 275,568 | 178,998 | 105,000 |
Feb | 279,176 | 179,539 | 112,000 |
March | 274,364 | 180,551 | 113,000 |
Quarter | 829,108 | 538,088 | 330,000 |
(Source Awstats and Google).
That is an average for page views of around 276,000 a month or 9,100 daily.
For the twelve months to the end of March, the number of page views was 3.2 million. (Source Awstats).
As happens every year, the page views figure for December was improved upon in January’s figure. December was around 231,000 whereas January was around 275,000. That's an improvement of 44,000. So we are sailing forward again.
In addition to pages viewed (as shown above) there were 4114 downloads of lessons in the PDF format:
2020 | DOWNLOADS |
Jan | 1434 |
Feb | 1342 |
Mar | 1339 |
Qtr TOTAL | 4115 |
(Source: Awstats)
As an indication of the site's outreach, here's a list of the countries in which more than 1000 pages were viewed in the month of February 2020.
United States..128,784
Nigeria........ 22,447
Philippines.... 11,643
South Africa... 11,573
Great Britain.. 9,869
Canada......... 9,296
Angola......... 8,231
Israel......... 7,436
Kenya.......... 6,419
India.......... 6,191
China.......... 6,059
Australia...... 5,473
Indonesia...... 4,928
Ghana.......... 3,802
Singapore...... 2,039
Zambia......... 2,007
Jamaica........ 1,997
Uganda......... 1,409
Malaysia....... 1,404
Germany........ 1,055
(Source: Awstats)
As 2020 began, so did the 18th year of online. We thank the Lord for his ongoing providence in helping this work to continue and grow.
We continue to work on social media, especially on our facebook pages. The longest running page ( now has 4,598 followers. A rather new page ( has 805 followers to date.
We continued to hold Sunday morning services in our home. We were joined on several occasions by folk from Vanuatu working on local farms. On a couple of occasions men from Fiji attended. We also have one Christian lady meeting regularly with us by online presence using Skype.
As of March 2020, some of the ni-Vanuatu have been moved north of us, far enough away that they cannot attend. Those remaining in Childers mostly cannot come because of the social distancing rules. So we have supplied the Ni-Vans with lessons, and with the emblems for the Lord’s Supper. We've encouraged them to meet by themselves observing current social distancing regulations. We will continue using Skype but the Ni-Vans can't use it because they don't always have suitable internet access.
Thank you once more for your ongoing assistance with the Lord’s work, for your prayers, for your interest and belief in my work on the website. The service we provide on the internet is all the more needed while the world is in “lockdown”. Together we "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation".
Love and best wishes in Jesus. /dr20Q1.htm
Copyright © 2015 Ron Graham All rights reserved.
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