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Author: Ron Graham

Ministry Reports

Ron Graham’s Report
— for Apr-May-Jun (2nd Quarter) 2022

This page reports my work on for the information of those who take a special interest in that work.

Improved Search Results

I check every so often to see what pages visitors are reading. Previously there were a few pages that dominated, whereas now there are lessons being viewed on a wide variety of topics. The total number of pages being visited is lower, but the coverage of the website is considerably better.

Furthermore, about one in six visitors are coming to the site directly, not through a search engine such as Google. This indicates that the site has an independent following and doesn't rely entirely on search engines. It is likely that many users have "bookmarked" the site on their devices and visit the site thereby.

New Pages on

In this 2nd Quarter of 2022, we prepared 4 new study pages and added them to the website. This brings the number of study pages on the site to 1,538.

The new pages are...

Ten Promises of Jesus for You

Don't You Remember?

Quiz on Ephesians chapter 1

I Love God and My Country

Website Usage

Now here are the key metrics for the site in the second quarter (Apr-May-Jun) of 2022. The statistics are shown for each month of the quarter. They are lower than they have been, but are still very good results.

Note that in the following table Pages means web pages opened and viewed by visitors. Visits means the number of visitors who opened those pages. Google means the approximate number of clicks for our pages on the Google search engine. And PDF means downloads of the PDF versions of the web pages.

Q2-2022 Pages Visits Google PDF
April 196,839 135,996 92,300 1,152
May 197,859 129,735 87,400 1,528
June 180,301 114,198 92,000 1,192
Quarter 574,999 379,929 271,700 3,872
Av Day 6,318 4,175 2,985 43

(Source Awstats and Google).

For the twelve months to the end of June 2022, the number of page views was 2.5 million. (Source Awstats).

Pageviews per Nation June 2022

Here's a list of the countries in which more than 500 pages were viewed in June 2022, the 3rd month of the 2nd quarter. The other months (April and May) were of much the same pattern.


United States.....110,948
Great Britain.......6,548
South Africa........3,538
Russian Federation....931
New Zealand...........777
(Source: Awstats)	

YouTube Videos

There are now 1,112 subscribers to the video channel. Since the channel's inception in 2007, there have been 63,000 views. We get about 800 views per month and about 80 hours of viewing. Be aware that a view is counted when someone starts watching; it doesn't mean they watch to the end. And a view counts whether the video is five minutes long or 30 minutes. Here's the thing: If someone searches YouTube for Biblical topics one of our videos may be listed and may be viewed. So having the videos "out there" is worthwhile.

Our YouTube channel is if you wish to have a look.

There are Always Maintenance Tasks

It's a challence keeping a big website up to date. There are always maintenance tasks. For example, here are the maintenance tasks done this quarter...

Other Matters

CHURCH. We continued to hold Sunday morning services in our home, with one Christian lady still meeting regularly with us using Zoom. At the end of the quarter we had family from Scotland and Victoria staying with us and they attended two of our worship meetings.

VANUATU. We were blessed to have extra funds from certain Australian Christians sent to Tanna Island in Vanuatu to further help the church there cope with the recent emergencies. Miswel has acknowledged the help with thanks. He says the help will greatly bless those in need. Note that Miswel consults with the church on disbursement of the funds.

COVID ETC. I tested positive to the Covid19 virus and was very sick for three days. It left me with bronchitis. The doctor cleared that up with puffers, which gave me thrush, and the doctor cleared that up with oral drops. So, God be thanked, I survived three diseases in a row!

Thank You

Thank you for continuing to assist me in the Lord’s work. Thank you for your continued prayers and your belief in my work on the website. As I always like to say, "You are joining with me in obeying the great commission."

Love and best wishes in Jesus.

  Ron Graham


Webservant Ron Graham

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