You are viewing lesson 1 in the series “Premillennialism” which provides 19 lessons addressing some popular but erroneous doctrines about the second coming and the kingdom of God.
This timetable does not show what the Bible teaches, but serves as a reference for the series of lessons on premillennialism.
Past and Present
After Christ’s crucifixion, the clock of prophecy stops.[God’s word says no such thing and this assertion attacks the integrity of prophecy.]
The kingdom is postponed, and the Church is instituted as a stop-gap measure. [That assertion belittles the church. Actually the church is the kingdom, not a filler while the kingdom is delayed.]
Centuries later end times draw near.[This is an anachronism. The scriptures show the last days or end times to be the whole period between our Lord’s first and second comings.]
Israel becomes a nation again (in 1948)
Events of the last half of the 20th century start to fulfill end-time prophecy.[Actually world events did not fulfill the prophecies and turned out to be quite different to what was expected.]
Year 2000 comes, third millennium proclaimed. [This was a mistake. The year 2000 was the last year of the second millennium, and the new millenium did not begin until the year 2000 was over. But worse, we've lost a few years from our calendar and the new millennium really began around 1995.]
The Near Future
Invisible second coming of Christ. [This is an invention. The scriptures nowhere say that Christ’s second coming is actually a second and third coming, the second coming being an invisible one.]
Rapture and the first resurrection occurs. [Whilst it is correct that the resurrection and rapture will occur on the day of Christ’s coming, there will not be two resurrections but one; just as there will not be two second comings.]
All true Christians have suddenly vanished from the world. [This fancy derives from the false idea that Christ does not come at the end of the world, but that the world continues after his coming to snatch away his faithfull.]
Christ takes his Church to heaven for seven years. [This is an absurdity. Having been snatched up to heaven and given glorified bodies suitable for eternal existence, the followers of Christ will be dragged back to earth again.]
The clock of prophecy starts ticking again. [Of course God’s fulfillment of prophecy was never stopped. All prophecy was, and will be, fulfilled at its appointed time.]
Daniel’s 70th week begins —seven-year countdown[To support their theories, premillennialists have to insert a "parenthesis" where prophecy holds its breath for 2000 years separating the 70th week from the other 69 weeks. Such meddling with the course of prophecy is inexcusable.]
Roman empire revives as ten United States of Europe[This and the following nine events have not happened within the time premillennialists expected.]
"Roman" dictator signs peace treaty with Israel
All nations come under "Roman" rule
Jews repossess Jerusalem
Moslem Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem is removed
Temple is built on that historic site
Israel grows extremely rich
144 000 Jews are chosen to preach
Spiritual rebirth of Israel - Total conversion of All Jews
World temporarily under Pax Roma—Roman Peace
The Tribulation
Middle of Daniel’s 70th week (three and a half years elapsed)[No premillennialist has been able to state what year this might be in our calendar. Certainly none of the following nine events match any current world events.]
"Roman" dictator (Antichrist) proclaims himself God
Antichrist desecrates temple
A new and false world religion ("Mystery Babylon") established
Antichrist persecutes the Jews, the 144,000 become martyrs
Great tribulation, extreme world unrest and upheaval
King of South (Egypt, Africa, Arab bloc) attacks Israel
King of North (Russia) invades Israel, destroys King of South
King of West (Europe) attacks and destroys King of North
King of East (China) attacks King of West with 200 million soldiers
The Millennium
Battle of Armageddon threatens to anihilate world
Visible second coming of Christ
Church saints return with Jesus in immortal glonified bodies
Jesus sets foot on the Mount of Olives
Daniel’s 70th week comes to an end (7 years elapsed)
Antichrist destroyed
Tribulation martyrs raised immortal with glorified bodies
Old Testament saints raised immortal with glorified bodies
Christ sits on David’s throne in Jerusalem
"Sheep and goats" judgment of Matt 25 occurs
The good "Sheep" now have positions of authority
The wicked "Goats" are subject to a rod-of-iron rule
Supposed Edenic curse on ground is lifted
Curse of Babel on language lifted (one world tongue)
Animals are at peace and have gift of simple speech
Satan bound for 1000 years (the Millennium)
Temple worship restored, Mosaic Law in force again
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