You are viewing fact sheet 23 in the series “Bible Lists” which provides 48 simple lists —no clutter, no padding, just neat, Bible lists useful for study and research.
Ezekiel is the author of the book that carries his name. He started the book when he was in his 30th year (Ezekiel 1:1).
Ezekiel was among the exiles taken by Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon in the time of Judah’s kings Jehoiakim and Jehoiachin. The Babylonians (also called Chaldeans) had begun to besiege, attack, and raid Jerusalem.
Ezekiel’s ministry filled the gap between Daniel’s ministry and Jeremiah’s.
Ezekiel was a priest, the son of Buzi [of the tribe of Levi] (Ezekiel 1:3).
He was also a prophet, and comissioned to be "a watchman" over the house of Israel (Ezekiel 3:17, 33:7).
He spoke and wrote the messages God gave him, oracles of God for the Israelites and certain nations (eg Ezekiel 16:1, 25:1-2).
He described visions which God gave him (Ezekiel 40:2, 43:3).
He demonstrated coming events with symbolic enactments, some of which were physically very challenging (Ezekiel 4:1-8).
Ezekiel went without normal comforts. For example when his wife died he was not permitted to go through the customary mourning (Ezekiel 24:17).
Ezekiel warned of the eventual destruction of Jerusalem and the killing and scattering of its people (Ezekiel 11:8-10).
On the other hand, he also predicted the ingathering of the remnant of Israel’s people. This was fulfilled when the Medes and Persians were in power. Ezekiel foretold the Israelite’s return to Jerusalem and the land they lost (Ezekiel 11:14-18).
Furthermore God gives Ezekiel glimpses of the more distant future, the time of the Messiah or Christ (Ezekiel 1:26-28)
Ezekiel preached the promise of God, "My dwelling place will be with them; I will be their God, and they will be My people"(Ezekiel 37:27). Paul applies this to the Christian era (2Corinthians 6:16).
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