➤ AD70 Preterism SERIES —List of lessons addressing and refuting the ideas and suppositions of the preterist doctrines, especially that the second coming of Christ occurred in AD70.
➤ Adam Sin, its Source and Solution —The source of sin is not God’s law, or our flesh, or Adam. What then is the source of sin?
➤ Adam God’s Covenant with Adam —Did God make a covenant with Adam? If so, did this covenant include both Adam and Eve and their descendants? Did the covenant exist before and after the fall? What was the nature of this “Adamic” covenant?
➤ Adam Adam’s Predicament —In this lesson we consider the nature of Adam’s sin, condemnation, and forgiveness. At first sight Adam’s fall from grace seems straightforward to understand. Yet people have very different views of it. I hope this lesson will clarify the nature and consequences of Adam’s error and his hope of forgiveness.
➤ Adam Bible Facts About Adam and Adam’s sin. —A List of Bible facts about Adam. We look at what the scriptures reveal about Adam and Adam's sin. Just a neat simple list for reference.
➤ Adopt Adopting the Non-denominational Way —It is a challenge for a congregation to be undenominational. We choose a hard road when we determine to be simply Christians and refuse to adopt the denominational names, creeds, and practices that divide the Lord’s church.
➤ Adoption The Chain of Great Events —A chain of events is experienced by everyone who obeys God’s plan of salvation. Paul presents this chain in three different ways.
➤ Adramyttium Acts Facts —What the book of Acts tells us happened in Adramyttium. Includes a map of the region.
➤ Adria Acts Facts —What the book of Acts tells us happened in Adria. Includes a map of the region.
➤ Adultery David's Sin and Sorrow —More of David’s adventures, after he became king. However there is a great deal of sadness in this story, mainly as a result of the sin David committed with Basheba
➤ Adultery A Woman Caught in Adultery —(John 8) A look at injustice and hypocrisy in the account of a woman accused of adultery.
➤ Adultery What God Says About Adultery —Australians are freely violating existing marriages by their adultery. It is an offence to God and a shame on Australia. Adultery is so common, it is hardly frowned upon. However, God takes a very different view of adultery, and it’s time for Australians to start listening to God.
➤ Adventures Times of Israel SERIES —The Times of Israel Series of lessons, is designed for weekly study over one year. The series gives a comprehensive overview of the times of Israel, and places the main events of Bible times, the great empires, Bible characters, and the books of the Bible into a framework of reference that is easily understood and memorised.
➤ Advertize Effective Advertizing —A lesson applying Bible principles to church advertizing.
➤ Aesea 53 Tanem Sore nao i Kam Hapi (Aesea 53). Lesen ya, i kamaot long Baebol, long Aesea japta 53. Nao sapos yu ting se japter ya i impoten tumas, i bitim ol narafala japta long buk blong Aesea, ale tingting blong yu i stret nomo. Aesea 53 hem i tok blong profet longsaed blong wan man we hem i safa panis blong helpem yumi, mekem se yumi save kam fren blong God. Hemia nao, man ya i Jisas Kraes.
➤ Age [aeon] This Age and the Age to Come —The New Testament sometimes compares or links “this age” with “the age to come”. It’s important to discover what is meant by these terms.
➤ Age [last days] What Is a Day? —Are the Last Days a short period or a long age? Examines the surprisingly important Bible meanings of the word day.
➤ Age [last days] Seven Great Changes —One word that characterises the Last Days, is CHANGE. Seven great foundation changes took place centuries ago when Christ died.
➤ Agenda 1Timothy 2:1-8 God’s Agenda for Mankind —God “desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth”. The salvation and enlightenment of humanity has always been the will and work of God.
➤ A-Grade A-Grade Living —If you wanted a mechanic to fix your car, what kind of mechanic would you rather have, a qualified A-grade mechanic or a B-grade back yard operator? Well who do you want to fix your life?
➤ Agrippa Acts 25:1-27. —These verses describe how Paul was examined by Festus and Agrippa in Caesarea.
➤ Agrippa Acts 26:1-32. —These verses record the speech that Paul made to King Agrippa.
➤ Ahaz Isaiah 7 —Isaiah’s second son Maher-shalal-hash-baz was born as a sign to Ahaz king of Jerusalem. Ahaz was not your best sort of king. Faith and courage were not his strong points. He was shaking with fear because Israel and Aram were getting together to attack Jerusalem.
➤ Aims The Aims You Set —About the point and purpose of our lives, and about our goals, and sacrifices.
➤ Alexandria Acts Facts —What the book of Acts tells us happened in Alexandria. Includes a map of the region.
➤ Alienation Reconciliation (Wonderful Words) —Our alienation from God was all our own fault. Reconciliation is not entirely in our own power. We need Jesus Christ.
➤ All sufficient The All Sufficient Christ —What the letter of Paul to the Colossians says about Jesus Christ.
➤ All things I Can Do All Things —A study of what Paul meant when he said he could do all things through Christ who strengthened him.
➤ Allegiance to Christ The Dragon's Friends —About a splendid and heavenly woman of great glory in chapter 12, and an atrocious and disgusting harlot who rides on the Dragon in chapter 17.
➤ Allegory (Hagar and Sarah) An Allegory Explained —(Galatians 4:21-31) To show the significance of events surrounding God’s promise to Abraham, and to show that the law of Moses has been abolished, Paul walks us through the allegorical meaning of the true story of Hagar and Sarah.
➤ Alleluia WORDS Hallelujah —On simplybible.com certain technical or special words in the Bible are studied and explained in our glossary. Each lesson provides a word family, definitions, Greek and Hebrew references, a scripture chain, comments, and links to related lessons.
➤ Alpha A Revelation of Jesus Christ —In the book of Revelation Jesus, the Alpha and Omega, shows himself to be God just like his Father.
➤ Altar First He Built An Altar —What happened when Noah and his family came out of the ark? We can learn a lot from Noah.
➤ Amen The Last Word —There’s a word at the end of every prayer, the word Amen. Where did this word come from, why do we say it, and what does it mean?
➤ Amen WORDS Amen Defined —On simplybible.com certain technical or special words in the Bible are studied and explained in our glossary. Each lesson provides a word family, definitions, Greek and Hebrew references, a scripture chain, comments, and links to related lessons.
➤ Amphipolis Acts Facts —What the book of Acts tells us happened in Amphipolis. Includes a map of the region.
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