➤ Conceive Abortion --What Does the Bible Say? —We look at four questions or issues that underly a Christian's attitude to abortion, including abortion immediately after conception.
➤ Conception Journeys in This World —Journeys of the soul through portals encountered during our lives in this present world.
➤ Conditional salvation Sure of Salvation —Can we be sure of salvation? The Bible gives the clearest promise, fairest conditions, and strongest confirmation possible.
➤ Conditional salvation Unconditional Election —Has God unconditionally chosen or elected some people for eternal life, whilst passing others by?
➤ Conditional salvation The Unbreakable Seal —Every one who is a Christian has the Holy Spirit as the seal of God, and this is distinct from the miraculous gifts which were given only to some.
➤ Conditional salvation If We Sin Wilfully —We examine seven portions of scripture that show we Christians, although certainly secure, nurtured, and protected, will not remain so unless we respond to God’s grace and diligently fulfill his conditions according to his purpose for us.
➤ Conditional promises God’s Magnificent Promises —God’s promises are very great and precious. Let's believe and appreciate them, act upon them, assure our hearts with them.
➤ Conditional promises Conditions in the Promises —The promises of Christ are conditional. This in no way weakens the promises or dims their glory, because nobody is excluded by any condition attached to God's promises. Anybody who desires to accept the promises is able to fulfil the conditions.
➤ Conduct The Disciple’s Behaviour —Most people would agree that a Christian’s behaviour is important. So in this lesson, we partly analyse the conduct of Christ’s disciples. Their behaviour is important, because people observe it and judge Christ accordingly. Our conduct should be a living example, the message of Christ on exhibit.
➤ Confessing faith The Good Confession —The fourth step to salvation is verbal acknowledgment of faith in Christ.
➤ Confessing faith Confessing Jesus —Jesus Christ doesn't have any secret admirers, because people who pretend not to believe in him are one with those who deny him.
➤ Confessing faith Jesus Forgave Me All My Sins —Why let your stubborn will stop you turning to your Heavenly Father for forgiveness of your sins? Invite him into your heart and do as he says.
➤ Confessing faith What First John Says About Faith —John emphasises two important characteristics of Christians who have true faith.
➤ Confessing sin If We Confess Our Sins —about the confession of sin and full forgiveness. The promise of forgiveness comes with a commandment. The commandment comes with a problem. The problem comes with a solution. Lesson includes notes on the perfection of Christ.
➤ Confessing sin What 1st John Says About Sin (1) —“Everyone who practises righteousness is born of him... No one who is born of God practises sin... The one who practises sin is of the devil” (1John 2:29; 3:6-10).
➤ Confession WORDS “Confession” Defined — Several technical or special words in the Bible are studied and explained in our glossary. This lesson provides a word family, definitions, Greek and Hebrew references, a scripture chain, comments, and links, related to “Confession”.
➤ Confession 1Timothy 3:14-16 The Common Confession —Paul wants to remind Timothy of points of doctrine about which there should be no argument or controversy.
➤ Confidence Spiritual Wellbeing —The various elements of spiritual wellbeing and joy in Jesus are shown in an outline summary of Paul’s letter to the Philippians.
➤ Confidence Toward Our Goal —Ten principles for achieving any worthwhile goal, especially a Christian goal.
➤ Conqueror The Conqueror of Death —One of the amazing things about the second coming will be the raising of all who have ever died.
➤ Conquerors More Than Conquerors —We can have a conquering faith in Jesus though we are tested by many tribulations. True faith stands the test and wins victory.
➤ Conquest of Canaan Adventures of Samuel —A man of justice and righteousness, Samuel worked hard to bring people back to God. Samuel was dedicated to God, first by his mother, then by himself. How better to spend a life? (1Samuel 1-7).
➤ Consolation To Know the Love of Christ —The love of Christ is not too deep to know. Our deepest need is to know it. His cross, counsel, and coming again, show it.
➤ Conscience The Influence of Conscience —The conscience is that faculty of human nature which knows to refuse evil and choose good.
➤ Conscience Are God's Laws Known by Instinct? —Are humans born with basic laws written on their hearts which the conscience knows instinctively?
➤ Conscience Abstinence and Conscience —If Jesus declared all foods clean, why was abstinence required from certain foods?
➤ Constants Constants and Variables —A Bible study about matters of faith as distinct from matters of judgment. It's a distinction necessary to correctly decide whether an action or idea has divine authority or is only human opinion.
➤ Consummation The Crossover —Great foundation changes were wrought by the cross of Christ. In this lesson we study about the cross of abrogation, consummation, and propitiation.
➤ Consummation Doomsday —What the Bible says about the days before Christ’s second advent, compared to the Doomsday view.
➤ Contact How to Contact Us —If you wish to contact the author of simplybible.com go to this page.
➤ Contagion T ~Total Depravity —Examines human nature, and the mechanism by which sin and death spread to all. Is it by heredity or by contagion?
➤ Contention Contentions and Disputes in the New Testament —A List of contentions recorded in the New Testament. We look at what the scriptures reveal about the kind of arguments and disputes that were going on in New Testament times. Just a neat simple list for reference.
➤ Contents Website Contents —Main topic index of simplybible.com’s Bible lessons and related studies.
➤ Context What is This Thing Called Context? —about “taking scripture in context.” What does this mean? Is an appeal to “context” too often a smoke screen for explaining away the scriptures?
➤ Continue The Beginning, the End, and Between —In Colossians, Paul tells us how our Christian lives on earth began, and how they will end. But his main concern is the middle. Between the beginning and the end, we must continue in Christ. This lesson is about continuing.
➤ Contradict Does Paul Contradict James? —This lesson examines whether Paul conflicts with James over how we are justified.
➤ Conversion Journeys in This World —Journeys of the soul through portals encountered during our lives in this present world.
➤ Conversion The Path Through Conversion —We examine the first steps on that path that leads to eternal life. Each step involves something that we should have done, and would have done, had we walked the perfect path.
Note —CONVERSION: Conversion is the change or turning of one thing (or person) into another. In the bible, this turning is toward a new and better purpose. Being converted is related to repentance (Acts 3:19).
➤ Convictions Having Authority From God —This lesson examines whether scholarship has any value as authority from God. When scholars and theologians hold something to be God’s truth, is it therefore necessarily truth?
➤ Coos Acts Facts —What the book of Acts tells us happened in Coos. Includes a map of the region.
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➤ Corinth Acts Facts —What the book of Acts tells us happened in Corinth. Includes a map of the region.
➤ Corinth Acts 18:1-17. —These verses describe Paul’s work in the city of Corinth, tentmaking and preaching, and the fiasco when the Jews brought Paul to trial before Gallio.
➤ Cornelius The Good Man Cornelius —One of the most interesting cases of conversion recorded in the Bible.
➤ Cornelius Justification (Wonderful Words) —About our insufficiency of righteousness, sacrifice, suffering, and commitment. Our need of Christ to be made righteous: take Cornelius for example.
➤ Correction Correcting Sin in Others —We outline the proper procedure for correcting sin in others with neither laxity nor cultish fanaticism.
➤ Cos Acts Facts —What the book of Acts tells us happened in Cos. Includes a map of the region.
➤ Cosmos This Age and the Age to Come —The New Testament sometimes compares or links “this age” with “the age to come”. It's important to discover what is meant by these terms.
➤ Cost Have You Counted the Cost? —The most important things cannot be evaluated on a calculator. But you can count the cost in your heart.
➤ Cottage Cottage Meetings —A lesson about church meetings and Bible studies in private homes. There is a huge potential for evangelism, edification, and endurance in this simple activity.
➤ Counsel of God To Know the Love of Christ —The love of Christ is not too deep to know. Our deepest need is to know it. His cross, counsel, and coming again, show it.
➤ Counsel of God Predestination (Wonderful Words) —about two issues in predestination: first God’s sovereign will and counsel; second man’s freedom of choice.
➤ Counsel of God Sweet Will of God —God has willed that all obey his decrees, that all repent of sin, that Christ die for all.
➤ Counted Have You Counted the Cost? —The most important things cannot be evaluated on a calculator. But you can count the cost in your heart.
➤ Counting Unlimited Forgiveness —A Bible study about how many times God will forgive, and whether God would ever refuse to forgive one who repents and comes to him through Christ.
➤ Courage Be Strong and Courageous —A lesson from Joshua 1:5-7 and the three threads that we find there.
➤ Course I Have Finished My Course —In Paul’s lifetime athletic games such as the Olympics, were popular. Paul himself seems to have taken an interest in them. He likened his life to a race.
➤ Covenant Lessons on Covenant THREAD —List of Bible lessons about covenants, selected from simplybible.com’s study pages.
Note —COVENANT: A covenant in the Bible is a legal will or testament, decreed to man by God directly, or through a mediator. A covenant may include precepts, provisos, punishments, and promises.
➤ Covenant WORDS “Covenant” Defined — Several technical or special words in the Bible are studied and explained in our glossary. This lesson provides a word family, definitions, Greek and Hebrew references, a scripture chain, comments, and links, related to “covenant”.
➤ Covenant How was the New Covenant Instituted? —The new covenant was instituted by God unilaterally. God did not negotiate it with human beings; he mediated it to them. Its outcome for each person (grace or wrath) is dependent on whether the person keeps it or disobeys it.
➤ Covenant Why was the New Covenant Needed? —There had to be a better covenant for several reasons. We list the main ones.
➤ Covenant Why is the New Covenant Better? —The new covenant was Based on Better Promises. It was Ratified by Better Blood. It Came through a Better Mediator.
➤ Covenant Who was the New Covenant For? —To whom did Jesus mediate the new covenant? This lesson shows it was the whole world.
➤ Covenant Do Christians Need the Old Testament —Are the Old Testament scriptures needed and to be heeded by Christians, or are the New Testament Scriptures sufficient?
➤ Covenants Seven Great Changes —One word that characterises the Last Days, is CHANGE. Seven great foundation changes took place centuries ago when Christ died.
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