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Author: Ron Graham

Alphabetical Index

“Creation” to “Cyrus”
—Alphabetical index C <4>

Creation Bible Facts About CreationA Bible List of facts about Creation as revealed in the Scriptures. Just a neat simple list for reference. Includes the days of Creation.

Creator The G in GLORY —Jesus is GodThe POWER of Jesus as the GOD who created all things and for whom all things exist.

Creator Christ, Creator of All ThingsPaul makes three related statements about Christ and the universe First, All things were created by him. Second, he is before all things. Third, In him all things hold together. They are the points of our lesson (Colossians 1:16-17).

Creator Where Was God at Creation?When God created the heavens and the earth, and everything in them, where was he? Was he in Heaven outside the Creation? Was he on earth within the Creation? Or is the answer both of those? To answer that question, we need to think about three attributes of God. He is everywhere; he is almighty; he knows everything.

Credentials The Credentials of JesusThe first of three studies of various testimonies about Jesus Christ recorded in the scriptures.

Credit Two Mistakes About WorksA lesson on the relationship between grace, faith, and works.

Creed The Apostles’ CreedA discussion of the Apostles’ Creed (quoted in full) and creeds in general, and why churches of Christ have no creeds.

Creed No Creed But ChristA Bible discussion about creeds and confessions of faith.

Crete Acts FactsWhat the book of Acts tells us happened in Crete. Includes a map of the region.

Cross The Cross of Christ THREADList of Bible lessons on the topic “The Cross”, from’s study pages.

Cross What Jesus Accomplished on the CrossExplains justification, sanctification, and redemption.

Cross (YouTube) —What Jesus Accomplished on the Cross A 30-minute video. There are three words: perfection, punishment, and price; which outline the wonderful things that Jesus accomplished for us by dying on the cross. These are necessary accomplishments which we could not possibly have done for ourselves.

Cross The Inscription on the CrossThere is more in Pilate's inscription on the cross of Christ than meets the eye. It seems even Pilate intended more to be read into it than he actually wrote..

Cross (YouTube) —The Inscription on the Cross on the Cross. A 30-minute video. There is more in Pilate's inscription on the cross of Christ than meets the eye. It seems even Pilate intended more to be read into it than he actually wrote. The sign said, “Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews”. What are the implications?

Index for The Cross

Cross To Know the Love of ChristThe love of Christ is not too deep to know. Our deepest need is to know it. His cross, counsel, and coming again, show it.

Cross The Blind Eye of LoveEvaluating the idea that true love sees only the good in people. Is this one of the most dangerous ideas in the world?

Cross Dividing Past and FutureIn rightly dividing the word of truth, we must know what is past and what is future in the Bible. The cross of Christ is the main divider of time in the Bible.

Cross Christ-Cross-CovenantAbout three connected C's on which our faith is based.

Cross Limited AtonementThe question uppermost in our mind, when we consider the doctrine of “Limited Atonement” is this: Did Jesus die for some and not for others?

Cross Sweet Will of GodGod has willed that all obey his decrees, that all repent of sin, that Christ die for all.

Cross Grace and the LeperThe story of Naaman the leper, in 2Kings chapter 5, has some important lessons for us about God’s grace: Grace cannot be dictated; grace cannot be repaid; grace must be obeyed. If we contradict any of those principles we don't understand true grace.

Cross The Dying ThiefThe story of the dying thief on the cross does not teach us how to become a Christian.

Crossroads At the CrossroadsThere are times in everyone’s lives when they are likely to meet Jesus at the crossroads: times when some great change or challenge occurs.

Crossword puzzles | Crossword 1 | Crossword 2 | Crossword 3 | Crossword 4 | —You can click on a squaqre to reveal the letter, and you can show or hide the answers.

Crucified Was Paul Crucified for You?Paul heard that the Christians in Corinth were no longer united in Christ. They had split into factions supposedly following rival apostles as equals of Jesus. Paul says, “Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Were you baptized in the name of Paul?” (1Corinthians 1:13).

CrucifixionSee the several entries for “Cross” above.

Cultural terms The Chain of Great EventsA chain of events is experienced by everyone who obeys God’s plan of salvation. Paul presents this chain in three different ways.

Cure for sin Is There No Balm in Gilead?There is a balm in Gilead. Why do people not come to the heavenly physician for spiritual healing? Three possible reasons.

Curse or blessing Challenge to the ChurchesPaul presents three powerful contrasts or choices between the gospel and the law, to show how superior the gospel is, and how foolish it would be to go back to the old law (Galatians 3:6 to 4:9).

Custom Having Authority From God This lesson examines whether custom and tradition has any value as authority from God. When tradition holds something to be God’s truth, is it?

Cyprus Acts FactsWhat the book of Acts tells us happened in Cyprus. Includes a map of the region.

Cyrene Acts FactsWhat the book of Acts tells us happened in Cyrene. Includes a map of the region.

Cyrus king of Persia The Fall of BabylonJeremiah had predicted seventy years of captivity in Babylon. Both Jeremiah and Isaiah foretold the destruction of Babylon to end the captivity.


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