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Author: Ron Graham

Old Testament

Psalms About Christ
—Quoted in the New Testament

Our overview of the Book of Psalms, would not be complete without mention of the “Messianic Psalms” or psalms about Christ.

Some Psalms are classified as "Messianic" because their burden is the suffering and victory of the Messiah, who in Greek is called Christ. These Psalms are quoted in the New Testament when teaching the gospel of Christ (eg Psalms 16:8-11, Acts 2:25-28).

The following table lists prophecies about Christ that are in the book of Psalms, and are quoted in the New Testament.

Messianic Psalms Quoted in the New Testament
Psalms 2:1-2 Acts 4:25-28
Psalms 2:7 Acts 13:33, Hebrews 1:5, Hebrews 5:5
Psalms 2:9 Revelation 2:26-27, Revelation 12:5, Revelation 19:15
Psalms 8:2 Matthew 21:16
Psalms 8:4-6 1Corinthians 15:25-28, Hebrews 2:5-10
Psalms 16:8-11 Acts 2:25-32, Acts 13:34-37
Psalms 22:1 Matthew 27:46, Mark 15:34
Psalms 22:7-8 Matthew 27:39,43, Luke 23:35
Psalms 22:18 Matthew 27:35, Mark 15:24, Luke 23:34, John 19:23-24
Psalms 22:22 Hebrews 2:11-12
Psalms 40:6-8 Hebrews 10:5-10
Psalms 41:9 John 13:18
Psalms 45:6-7 Hebrews 1:8-9
Psalms 68:18 Ephesians 4:8
Psalms 69:4 John 15:25
Psalms 69:9 John 2:17, Romans 15:3
Psalms 69:21 Matthew 27:34, John 19:28-29
Psalms 69:22-23 Romans 11:9-10
Psalms 69:25 Acts 1:20
Psalms 78:2 Matthew 13:35
Psalms 78:24 John 6:31
Psalms 97:7 Hebrews 1:6
Psalms 102:25-27 Hebrews 1:10-12
Psalms 110:1 Mtt22:44, Mark 12:36, Luke 20:42,
Acts 2:34, Hebrews 1:13
Psalms 110:4 Hebrews 5:6, Hebrews 6:20, Heb7:17,21
Psalms 118:6 Hebrews 13:6
Psalms 118:22-23 Matthew 21:42, Mark 12:10-11, Luke 20:17, Acts 4:11,
Ephesians2:20, 1Peter 2:7
Psalms 118:26 Matthew 21:9, Matthew 23:39, Mark 11:9, Luke 13:35,
Luke 19:38, John 12:13


Webservant Ron Graham


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