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You are viewing a list of what's in the series Second Letter of Peter” which provides 12 lessons on the Second Letter from Peter. We look at why Peter wrote, and examine his teachings about Christian growth, false prophets, and the second coming.


Author: Ron Graham


Second Epistle of Peter
—Christian growth and hope

These lessons study the second letter of Peter, looking at why Peter wrote, and his teachings about Christian growth, false prophets, and the second coming. Tap any title next to an arrow in the list below.

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INDEX 2nd Peter A comprehensive hyperlinked table of contents for all the lesson titles below.

Christian Growth  This lesson in Peter’s second epistle looks at what Peter says immediately after his greeting. He speaks of the power of God, what it can do for us, and what it helps us to do for God.

Why Peter Wrote  Here in 2Peter 1:12-21, the apostle gives his reasons for writing.

False Prophets  A study of Second Peter chapter two, which is comparable with Jude's letter. It concerns false prophets who lead people into heresy and apostasy.

The Second Coming  A study of Second Peter chapter three which deals with the second advent of Jesus Christ when he will gather us up to the new heavens and new earth.

Nothing But the Best (2Peter 1:1-4)  We focus on the excellence, glory, and perfection of what God has granted to us, and how we must not allow God’s gift to be diluted or polluted by man.

The Morning Star (2Peter 1:12,19)  The importance of being enlightened and established in the present truth because the world is a dark place.

The Error of Balaam (2Peter 2:15-16)  The story of Balaam, referred to by Peter is one of the strange-yet-true stories of the Bible.

Righteous Lot in Sinful Sodom (2Peter 2:6-11)  Lot was living in Sodom. He was a very righteous man, and Sodom was a very sinful city. God decided to destroy Sodom and its neighbouring city Gomorrah. This story, like that of Noah, is a microcosm of the end of the world (2Peter 3).

Noah and the Flood (2Peter 2:5, 3:3-7)  In his second epistle, Peter uses the destruction of the old world by water as a precedent for the future destruction by fire of the world we live in.

From the Flood to the Fire  A lesson from Second Peter Chapter 3 providing three important principles that keep people faithful in times when most people stray away from God.

Peter’s Three Swords  This is not a lesson from Peter’s writings, however it is an old sermon outline which I felt would make a good finish to the two series of lessons covering Peter’s first and second epistles. So I have included it here for that purpose.


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