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Author: Ron Graham


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—Webservant’s diary 2022-2024

Hello, you've hit upon the 2022-2024 archived log for's webservant. This page could bore you to death. If you want to avoid that, go to The Hub or Home Page.

SUNDAY TOPICS: patience Feb21, influences mid21, priceless Aug21, forgiveness Nov21, parables Dec21, WondWords Apr22, Ephesians Jun22, Hebrews Sep22, Jude Jan23, Peter Mar23, Opposites Jan24, Jesus Mar2,. SureS Jun24.

 Tasks completed July 2024

⚙ STATS: Pages , Visits , Downloads .
⚙ Study pages now 1602
⚙ PREACHED: 7th 58d,.
⚙ New: Index Acts PDF eBooks (June's move of pdf link: Did it work?)

 Tasks completed June 2024

⚙ STATS: Pages 215,000, Visits 135,916, Downloads 793.
⚙ Study pages now 1602
⚙ PREACHED: 9th 062, 16th 243, 23rd 050, 30th 503.
⚙ New: Are There Aliens on Earth?
⚙ New: Bible Verses About Love
⚙ New: AI is not God, God is not AI
On all pages moved pdf link, up to end of lesson. Hoping to increase downloads.

 Tasks completed May 2024

⚙ STATS: Pages 185,673, Visits 118,912, Downloads 862.
⚙ Study pages now 1599
⚙ PREACHED: 5th 302, 12th 303, 19th 304, 26th 305.
⚙ New: No Other Gospel (Galatians 1:8-9)
⚙ New: Bible Firsts (Genesis 1-4)

 Tasks completed April 2024

⚙ STATS: Pages 208,732, Visits 133,978, Downloads 931.
⚙ Study pages now 1597
⚙ PREACHED: 7th 02t, 14th 02u, 21st 300, 28th 301.
⚙ New: The Hearing of Faith (Romans 10:16-18)
⚙ (1) Tested all links (about 70,000) with Integrity app and fixed three issues on two pages.
⚙ (2) Major revision of links page, and manually tested all links to websites listed on page.
⚙ (1) Tested all links (about 70,000) with Integrity app and fixed three issues on two pages.
⚙ (2) Major revision of links page, and manually tested all links to websites listed on page.

 Tasks completed March 2024

⚙ STATS: Pages 210,161, Visits 140,270, Events 411000, Downloads 975.
⚙ Study pages now 1596
⚙ PREACHED: 3rd 99i, 10th 938, 17th 292, 24th 577, 31st 230.
⚙ New: Preaching, Preparation, Patience (2Timothy 4:2)
⚙ New: Sons of God Clothed in Christ
⚙ New: Pillar and Ground
⚙ New: James Rebukes Arrogance

 Tasks completed February 2024

⚙ STATS: Pages 169,473, Visits 112,305, Events 765,000, Downloads 762.
⚙ Study pages now 1592
⚙ PREACHED: 4th 54a, 11th 288, 18th 020, 25th 99h.
⚙ New: Christ's Retribution
⚙ New: One Truth, One Mediator, One Ransom
⚙ New: Jesus is Lord (Acts 2:36)

 Tasks completed January 2024

⚙ STATS: Pages 201,490, Visits 127,318, Events 399,000, Downloads 1467.
⚙ Study pages now 1589
⚙ PREACHED:7th 09j, 14th 09l, 21st 09m, 28th 09n.
⚙ New: Mary's Magnificat (Luke 1:46-55)
⚙ New: Bible Metaphors and Similes.

 Tasks completed December 2023

⚙ STATS: Pages 181944, Visits 100134, Events 320000, Downloads 703.
⚙ Study pages now 1587
⚙ PREACHED:3rd 08h, 10th 08i, 17th 08k, 24th 28c, 31st 08l
⚙ New: Quiz on the Gospels
⚙ New: Ten Deep Things John 1:1-17 PART1
⚙ New: Ten Deep Things John 1:1-17 PART2

 Tasks completed November 2023

⚙ STATS: Pages 169,442, Visits 101,759, Events 345,000, Downloads 784.
⚙ Study pages now 1584
⚙ PREACHED: 5th 08d, 12th 08e, 19th 08f, 26th 08g,
⚙ New: Facts About John the Baptizer
⚙ New: Why did John baptise Jesus?
⚙ New: Glossary Word Study: Glory
⚙ New: They Don't Know.
⚙ New: Immortality, Bible and Science

 Tasks completed October 2023

⚙ STATS: Pages 160,676, Visits 101,931, Events 360,000, Downloads 756.
⚙ Study pages now 1579
⚙ PREACHED: 1st 18k, 8th 18m bis02 49b, 15th 08a (opposites), 22nd 08b bis03 02e, 29th 08c.
⚙ New: Crossword Puzzle 20
⚙ New: Unity and Division
⚙Tested all series for bugs in tabs.
⚙Fixed ControlRevln.js bug in series tab link.
⚙Fixed ControlHardH.js series tab missing.

 Tasks completed September 2023

⚙ STATS: Pages 162,147, Visits 103,343, Events 364,000, Downloads 1,631.
⚙ Study pages now 1577
⚙ PREACHED: 3rd 18g, 10th 18h, 17th 18i, 24th 18j+bis01 (Jude series).
⚙ New: Quiz on the Parables
⚙ New: The world, the Word, the Worry
⚙ New: Verses About the Word of God
⚙ New: Of What is Baptism a Sign?

 Tasks completed August 2023

⚙ STATS: Pages 157,203, Visits 98,010, Clicks 51,800, Downloads 1,817.
⚙ Study pages now 1573
⚙ PREACHED: 6th 677, 13th 880, 20th 18e, 27th 18f.
⚙ New: Notes on Fasting [Religious Fasting]
⚙ New: Forgiveness and Condemnation
⚙ New: Salvation and Peril

 Tasks completed July 2023

⚙ STATS: Pages 166,803, Visits 101,930, Clicks 54,300, Downloads 1,579.
⚙ Study pages now 1570 26Jul.
⚙ PREACHED: 2nd 667, 9th 669, 16th 676, 23rd 881, 30th 678.
⚙ New: Grace and Works
⚙ New: Victory and Defeat
⚙ New: Order and Chaos
⚙Updated dmission, dsimply, dadopt, debenezer.
⚙.Added PDF to dmission, dsimply, dadopt, debenezer.
⚙ Adjust banner to allow more body above fold.
⚙ Improved SiFi.js response to several keywords.

 Tasks completed June 2023

⚙ STATS: Pages 160,591, Visits 91,200, Clicks 47,000, Downloads 1,423.
⚙ Study pages now 1567.
⚙ PREACHED: 4th 667, 11th 669, 18th 670, 25th 671.
⚙ New: Be a Berean
⚙ New: Don't Delay Baptism
⚙ Set up G4 property ready for changeover July 1st.
⚙Replaced eval() with parse() function.
⚙Removed unused quiz functions from Controls.

 Tasks completed May 2023

⚙ STATS: Pages 153,884, Visits 98,178, Clicks 52,900, Downloads 1,667.
⚙ Study pages now 1565.
⚙ PREACHED: May 7th 416, 14th 418, 21st 417.
⚙ New: Don't Go Beyond God's Word
⚙ New: Don't Add To or Take from God's Word
⚙ New: Incidentals in Their Place
⚙Ran Integrity link checker, 6 fixes.

 Tasks completed Apr 2023

⚙ STATS: Pages 161,035, Visits 98,801, Clicks 58,100, Downloads 1,705.
⚙ Study pages now 1562.
⚙ PREACHED: 2nd 966, 9th 741, 16th 414, 23rd 033, 30th 415.
⚙ New: In Danger of Digression
⚙ New: Mistaken Identity
⚙ New: Magazine Page 7
⚙Made several changes to ControlVerse.js to correct tab problems.
⚙Fixed two missing pdf in ActsFacts.

 Tasks completed Mar 2023

⚙ STATS: Pages 192,105, Visits 115,278, Clicks 65,200, Downloads 1,278.
⚙ Study pages now 1559.
⚙ PREACHED: 5th 964, 12th 739, 19th 965, 26th 740.
⚙ New: Magazine Page 6
⚙ New: The Sheep and Goats
⚙ New: Don't Trust These
⚙ Added synopses to dindexMagaz.
⚙ added reference to tract library in dsitemap.htm
⚙ Fixed previous tab in ControlMagaz.js tabs control.

 Tasks completed Feb 2023

⚙ STATS: Pages , Visits 109,527, Clicks 60,200, Downloads 1,683.
⚙ Study pages now 1556.
⚙ PREACHED: 5th 962, 12th 840, 19th 963, 26th 738 (Peter series).
⚙ New: What Does Christ Do For Us? (2)
⚙ New: This Mad World
⚙ Purged remaining ebible links except links page.
⚙ Removed new year feature, 4 instances.

 Tasks completed Jan 2023

⚙ STATS: Pages 177,849, Visits 107,050, Clicks 62,600, Downloads 1,542.
⚙ Study pages now 1554.
⚙ PREACHED: 1st 231, 8th 258, 15th 961, 29th 825.
⚙ New: What Does Christ Do For Us? (1)
⚙ Endplate on all pages improved for finger touch.
⚙Replaced Christmas link with New Year link (4 pages).
⚙ Added "acrostic" to search.
⚙ 1Peter series. Added "(1Peter)" to subheads
⚙ Detected and fixed duplicates of viewport

 Tasks completed Dec 2022

⚙ STATS: Pages 174,690, Visits 92,993, Clicks 52,400, Downloads 1,766.
⚙ Study pages now 1553.
⚙ PREACHED: 4th 509, 11th 322, 18th 32d, 25th 28c.
⚙ New: Facts About Paul the Apostle
⚙ New: The Throne and the Abyss

 Tasks completed Nov 2022

⚙ STATS: Pages 178,650, Visits 112,899, Clicks 62,100, Downloads 1,604.
⚙ Study pages now 1551.
⚙ PREACHED: 6th 319, 13th 320, 20th 32j, 27th 321.
⚙ New: Names and Titles of Jesus
⚙ Updated korna006.jpg "20th year" to "20 years".
⚙ Fixed bbedit. Multi-file search blocked. Turned sandbox ON.

 Tasks completed Oct 2022

⚙ STATS: Pages 195,995, Visits 115,765, Clicks 68,000, Downloads 1,416.
⚙ Study pages now 1550.
⚙ PREACHED: 2nd 317, 9th 32g, 16th 318, 23rd 32h, 30th Mungar and Patrick 45f.
⚙ New: Facts About God
⚙ New: The 99 Sheep Not Lost

 Tasks completed Sep 2022

⚙ STATS: Pages 204,696, Visits 124,257, Clicks 76,100, Downloads 1,897.
⚙ Study pages now 1548.
⚙ PREACHED: 4th 315(2), 11th 316, 18th 317, 25th Mungar (Patrick 30u) (Hebrews Series).
⚙ New: Is God Flesh and Bone?
⚙ New: Grace and Righteousness
⚙ New: Conditions in the Promises

 Tasks completed Aug 2022

⚙ STATS: Pages 216,925, Visits 122,180, Clicks 73,600, Downloads 1499.
⚙ Study pages now 1545.
⚙ PREACHED: 7th 313, 14th 32b, 21st 445, 28th 315(1).
⚙ New: What God, Satan, Eve, and Adam Said
⚙ New: Facts About Mary, Mother of Jesus
⚙ New: Quiz on Ephesians chapter 6
⚙ Made mobile phones show "You are Viewing" note.
⚙ Corrected a few errors found.
⚙ Tested every Control script on all pages.
⚙ Installed Previous/Next tabs.
⚙ Increased tabs from five to six.

 Tasks completed Jul 2022

⚙ STATS: Pages 196,847, Visits 115,570, Clicks 72,700, Downloads 1,112.
⚙ Study pages now 1542.
⚙ PREACHED: 10th 74j, 17th 74k, 24th 32a, 31st 32s.
⚙ New: Quiz on Ephesians chapter 5
⚙ New: Quiz on Ephesians chapter 4
⚙ New: Quiz on Ephesians chapter 3
⚙ New: Quiz on Ephesians chapter 2
⚙ All Ephesians htm files validated.
⚙ Wrote function to do quiz answers on pdf/print.

 Tasks completed Jun 2022

⚙STATS: Pages 180,301, Visits 114,198, Clicks 92,000, Downloads 1,192.
⚙ Study pages now 1538.
⚙ PREACHED: 5th 74f, 12th 273, 19th 74g (Ephesians Series).
⚙ New: Quiz on Ephesians chapter 1
⚙ New: I Love God and My Country
⚙ Removed YouTube tab, added "previous" tab

 Tasks completed May 2022

⚙STATS: Pages 197,859, Visits 129,735, Clicks 87,400, Downloads 1,528.
⚙ Study pages now 1536.
⚙ 1st 74a, Eph 1:1-14
⚙ 8th 74b,Eph 1:15-23
⚙ 14th 74c.Eph 2:1-15.

⚙ New: Don't You Remember?
⚙ Reset time capsule.
⚙ Upgraded to the new Google Analytics 4 property.
⚙ Installed new CleanMyMacX. Annual 57AUD
⚙ Made a new paypal donate page.
⚙ Transferred all desk drawer files.
⚙ Fixed errors in sitemap and resubmitted

 Tasks completed Apr 2022

⚙STATS: Pages 196,839, Visits 135,996, Clicks 92,200, Downloads 1,152.
⚙ Study pages now 1535.
⚙ PREACHED: 3rd 20K, 10th 20m, 17th 20n, 24th 203, (WWords series).
⚙ New: Ten Promises of Jesus for You
⚙ Moved primary sibi folder to portable device.
⚙ Installed BBedit and FileZila on portable device.
⚙ Set up wifi on printer (previously only cable connected).

 Tasks completed Mar 2022

⚙STATS: Pages 217,344, Visits 142,933, Clicks 92,600, Downloads 1,305.
⚙ Study pages now 1534.
⚙ PREACHED: 6th 200, 13th 20j, 20th 201, 27th 202.
⚙ New: Ten Great Claims of Jesus
⚙ New: Ten Challenges from Jesus
⚙ New: Jesus the Righteous Judge (2Timothy 4)
⚙ Fixed mistake re four kings in Isaiah's time 40d, 598, 631
⚙ Added conclusion to f2oj (second blessing lesson)
⚙ Added keyword "challenge" to database, including six entries

 Tasks completed Feb 2022

⚙STATS: Pages 208,204, Visits 133,670, Clicks 88,200, Downloads 1,424.
⚙ Study pages now 1531.
⚙ PREACHED: 6th 20a, 13th 20b, 20th 20c, 27th 20d.
⚙ New: Jesus the Righteous Judge (2Timothy 4)
⚙ New: Lovers of Self (2Timothy 3)
⚙ New: Faithful and Strong 1 (2Timothy 2)
⚙ New: Faithful and Strong 2 (2Timothy 2)

 Tasks completed Jan 2022

⚙STATS: Pages 208079, Visits 133,857, Clicks 90000, Downloads 1420.
⚙ Study pages now 1527.
⚙ PREACHED: 2nd 20f, 9th 20g, 16th 20h, 23rd 20i,30th 199 (WWords)
⚙ New: Paul's Precious Relationships (2Timothy 1)
⚙ Changed all references to First Timothy series so as to include both letters.


Webservant Ron Graham

Copyright on print